Getting back to my fighting weight.

Cleaning out my storage unit, I found some really old pics of me from over 15 years ago. I was in my prime. It was a long time ago but it seems like only yesterday that I was serving my country. Becoming a Marine was the highest honor of my life. Looking at myself realistically from that young Marine's POV, I began to feel ashamed at how much I had let myself go. I was wearing size 46 jeans, couldn't climb a flight of steps without gasping for breath and I was a biscuit away from 300lbs on my 36th birthday. That young Marine would have been disappointed if he knew that was his future.

So I started working out again and in a months time I was down to 286 lbs. that's when I discovered MFP and saw it as a wonderful tool to help me track my workouts and keep myself motivated with a community of other go-getters who were going through exactly what I'm going through.

Here I am, almost a year later and I'm 3 lbs. away from reaching my first goal of 250 lbs. I couldn't have done it without MFP. I'm still a long way away from my main goal of 185 but with patience and discipline, I'll get back to my fighting weight again.

I thank you in advance for any support, advice and encouragement and hope that this post, in some way, motivates you to reach your fitness goals.

Semper Fi!