Muscle Soreness

I started T25 (on Day 2) and am wondering if there is anything I can do to help with the muscle soreness? That us usually what makes me give up so quickly.


  • XavierNusum
    XavierNusum Posts: 720 Member
    More movement helps, ice baths, stay hydrated and lastly you can try ibuprofen.
  • jessicapk
    jessicapk Posts: 574 Member
    Make sure to stretch properly afterwards. A lot of people neglect this step and it's really priceless in helping recovery.
  • Jmaytes
    Jmaytes Posts: 16 Member
    Another thing you should be doing is taking in high amounts of protein (protein shake) this will help reduce soreness but most importantly support muscle growth :)
  • shank35l
    shank35l Posts: 102 Member
    Ensure you have a solid protein intake plan.
    Hydrate, hydrate and hydrate more.
    Ice baths are strange at first, a bit uncomfortable even. They are so worth it though.
    NSAIDs, take as needed, but a word of caution. If you have GERD, ulcers, any serious GI issues consult with a medical professional first.
  • PPumpItUp
    PPumpItUp Posts: 208 Member
    Like the other guys said, increase your protein consumption to spur protein synthesis and it will heal your muscles quicker. Also, flexall will help and make you smell minty fresh.
  • JustChristy79
    JustChristy79 Posts: 156 Member
    I started T25 (on Day 2) and am wondering if there is anything I can do to help with the muscle soreness? That us usually what makes me give up so quickly.

    What kind of muscle soreness do you have from doing cardio & speed 1.0??? Are you sure it's not an injury?
  • JeylineSS
    JeylineSS Posts: 32 Member
    Hello! I also experienced soreness. I had to increase my protein foods. And for the really sore days I'd drink a protein shake along with high protein diet. I suggest try increasing your protein intake. Read articles, they're many sites that help you figure out what your protein intake should be.