i need serious help

On 9/22/2014 I weighed 173. Now as of 7/13/2015 I am 235. I want to get back around 175, but I keep eating junk food becausse its all around me. Also, i dont go out places now because of the weight gain and im insecure. Any tips for weight loss and leaning out.


  • nohaabdelbary14
    nohaabdelbary14 Posts: 15 Member
    i am not an expert or anything...but you need to start eating healthy and exercising and you shouldn't feel insecure about your weight because you are not the only one who is suffering from such a problem and if you ever feel insecure about your weight you tell yourself i am not too fat they are too thin :#:) so get out of your house start going to the gym or something and don't be ashamed of being a beginner just remember that all the great people out there were also beginners at some point of their lives :)
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I think you have to decide how much you want to lose weight and lead a healthier life. If you want it enough, you will work out a way to not be surrounded by junk food. You will plan your daily food around mostly nutritious choices, log accurately, and consistently. There is no denying that this is very hard work. It is, however, worth it.