IIFYM Beginner

Hi guys,

I'm wondering if anyone can speak to the whole IIFYM lifestyle and give me their personal experience with it.

About a year ago, I lost over 100 lbs just cutting my calorie intake a lot (I was eating around 1200-1400 calories a day, which worked well for me at the time). I didn't do a lot of physical activity though, so I didn't really need to increase my caloric intake to accommodate that. After I gave birth to my first daughter, I managed to lose the pregnancy weight I gained, but over the past several months I've gained back 30 lbs and I'm finding my old nutritional goals difficult to maintain. I'm more hungry than I used to be, and find myself binging a lot when I try to restrict myself. After doing a lot of looking, I came across the whole "IIFYM" lifestyle and was totally intrigued. I'm especially focusing on content by Jamie Eason (LiveFit) and Jessie Hilgenberg (Jessie's Girls Home Edition and Bikini Body).

I was wondering if anyone could give me their personal experience/success/failure with IIFYM...? Is it as "great" as everyone claims it to be?

My biggest concern after losing weight so efficiently after cutting calories, is the whole you actually have to eat a lot more in order to lose weight - my macros would put me over 2000 calories a day, which is a far cry from my old 1200-1400 calories a day. My past experience has me anxious that I'll gain weight instead of losing it, even if I stick within my macros. Any thoughts? Opinions?

Thanks so much for any and all advice you're able to give!


  • lieslrk
    lieslrk Posts: 1 Member
    edited July 2015
    If you jump your calories up to 2000 a day after eating so little for such a long time you will probably gain weight because your metabolsim has adapted to a lower amount of calories. Themacroexperiment.com has some helpful tips for those trying to increase their caloric intake without gaining weight. I also recommend that you watch Layne Norton's video logs on metabolic damage and reverse dieting. You can find him on Youtube. They are very informative and were helpful to me. Hope this helps!