Lets have eachothers backs

Hi, I'm a 31yr old food addict. I am 40lbs overweight and I've never had a child, I simply love food. Although I'm short (an impressive 5'1") I've never been small, I've recently been described as curvy, pudgy, thick and all about the bass. I'd like to be described as healthy, fit and self confident. Over the years I have tried more diets than ice cream flavours and I have never reached my goal. I'm tired of feeling disappointed in myself for failing. I'm finally starting to understand that no matter how hard I try, how much I exercise, how clean my diet is or how much better I feel in my clothes at some point(s) I will plateau on the scale. Although I'm educated enough to know that this delay is normal I've always struggled with this part and tend to get so discouraged I fall off. I'm looking to make a supportive friend that gets where I'm coming from, will share the struggles and success of their weight loss journey with me, offer encouragement and wants to same from me. :-)