What diet should I choose?


I have a question about what diet should I choose to get rid of my lower abs fat. I practice baskeball 7x times a week for 2 hours + 3x times per week fitness for 45minutes. I am pretty much ripped everywhere except for my lower abs. I just can't get rid of it.
I'm 190cm tall and weight 90kg. I want to go down to 88kg as soon as possible.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Good day :)


  • nznatural
    nznatural Posts: 45 Member
    I'm not sure if you will have heard of it or not, its a pretty new fad out there - its called 'eat less, do more'.

    But shh... dont go telling everyone my secret!
  • mumtoonegirl
    mumtoonegirl Posts: 586 Member
    you sound like you are very active, how is your food intake? I would suggest adding some strength training to all that wonderful cardio.
  • nznatural
    nznatural Posts: 45 Member
    And in seriousness, you cant spot reduce. If you could, I would transfer the fat in my boobs to some other part of my body. No amount of situps or keeping away from bananas will help get rid of your ab fat. And your genetics might make that entirely impossible in the first place.

    Eat less, do more.
  • starvinkevin
    starvinkevin Posts: 331
    Cut your carbs + drop your calories - This is the best diet. if u want faster weight loss do Intermittent Fasting - google it.
  • And in seriousness, you cant spot reduce. If you could, I would transfer the fat in my boobs to some other part of my body. No amount of situps or keeping away from bananas will help get rid of your ab fat. And your genetics might make that entirely impossible in the first place.

    Eat less, do more.

    Funny, I would transfer my fat in my stomach to my boobs (and butt, since I lost a lot in the rump when I lost weight).

    But yes, you cannot spot reduce. Lower your body fat %, maybe you'll have better luck, but you can't pick one section and lose fat from that section.
  • linsey0689
    linsey0689 Posts: 753 Member
    as far as diet goes just lower the calories, I am not a fan of any type of crazy diet fabs.

    but you should try doing ad workouts you can google them and find a ton. for example different types of crunches and stuff like that.

    best of luck to you!
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    This appears to be a muscular young man dealing with the last few % body fat, rather than a "just want to lose some pounds because fat" situation. Will want to eat lean and lower sodium.

    Edit: if female, just track food and reduce caloric intake slightly for weight loss.
  • kevaliz
    kevaliz Posts: 2
    Like "jwdieter" said, I'm just trying to loose the last few pounds of fat that I have left on my stomach. I think you are right about eating less, especially after evening practice. After practice I pretty much empty the fridge so yea I think that's what I should stop doing. Maybe a lighter dinner.

    For the abs, I just started doing 6min abs workout; a video I found on youtube. I'm supposed to see some results in a month so I hope it works.

    And some info about me:
    21y old male, 190cm , 90kg
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Hit the weight room...
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    If your "fitness" includes heavy lifting, great. If it doesn't, start lifting.

    Your abs are already there, under the fat. 6 min abs exercises are fine, but won't get rid of the fat.

    Wouldn't recommend cutting back much on food until you track for a bit and figure out what you're eating. Might want to just replace some high sodium with lower sodium (think grilled chicken instead of pizza, for example).