How do you distract yourself when you're still hungry?



  • lightdiva1
    lightdiva1 Posts: 935 Member
    If your hungry and eating more than 1200 calories a day, your probably not eating enough protein and or think you are hungry when it is something else.

    I am an emotional eater. Food used to = celebrating a success or birthday or what have you. I used food to cheer myself up after a hard day, or used it as a stress reducer. Again, not actually hungry...I eat when I am bored as well.

    So to stop that, I drink 11 cups of water a day minimum. More often I have 16ish. I eat high protein. I keep my ratio of daily intake at 25-30% protein. I am never hungry if I hit those two marks.

    Also, every 28ish days I get really hungry. I up my caloric intake by about 300 during this time. This allows me to eat all the normal foods I do (and love) but leave me some wiggle room for TOM food like chocolate or ice cream. I am still at a calirie deficit but not as big of one.