Wine, sugar and a 1 year old does not a slim woman make

PInkpug Posts: 10 Member
edited July 2015 in Introduce Yourself
I have been a member of FP for ages. I am excellent at tracking everything... for a week. Then it hits the weekend and I conveniently "forget" to log in. Well this time it has been 4 weeks since I last logged in and was scared to find I now weigh more than I did 11 months ago (which was about 1 day after giving birth to my son.

I moved to Malta from London 3 months ago and holiday mode has meant that excess food and wine coupled with lounging in the sun has meant that all the weight I lost post birth has come back.

Looking to lose around 20lbs, but need some motivational friends on here to keep me on the straight and narrow!

Any other music-loving, book-addicts with a penchant for wine and sugar and a plethora of excuses - kids, work, courses - for not working out.

Fancy giving each other motiovational nudge in the right direction once in a while..