weighing in on a Friday verses any other day

OK, is it just me, or does anyone notice that they do better if they weigh-in on a Friday morning? The weekend is the most cheated time of the week. Especially in the summer. THere are parties galore. Graduations, Weddings, reunions, festivals, school carnivals, birthdays, association parties, and last but not least 4th of July. IT is hard to keep track of what ingred is going into party food to get accurate calorie intake. Plus, it is a party for goodness sakes...you want to eat. You can eat one plate. I usually eat less calories then normal for breakfast and lunch if i know i am goiing to be at party later. I figure if i am naughty on the weekend, then i can be really good and eat very healthy the rest of the week. So basically you are eating 1 to 2 cheat meals. Not over doing it...but not your normal routine. I use to weigh-in on a Tuesday, and i thought i would try this.

Anyhow...have any of you weighed in on different day, and changed it for this reason, and did you notice a difference?


  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,503 Member
    Interesting. I always do my "official" weigh-in on the Sunday before TOM. I don't know why, but I always seem to weigh less right before my period.
  • uwharriegold
    I do Fridays. Figured this out a while back when I was noticing a gain after the weekend. It's just like you said, too many social things going on and almost all involve food. Works for me!
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    Anyhow...have any of you weighed in on different day, and changed it for this reason, and did you notice a difference?

    I used to weigh in on Friday and now do so on Tuesday for reasons that have nothing to do with weightloss and/or cheating, because over time it makes absolutely no difference what day we weigh ourselves. We just feel it makes a difference.
  • meganfoster12
    meganfoster12 Posts: 411 Member
    I weigh in on Sundays so I can still on track through the weekend:)
  • xxmzangel
    xxmzangel Posts: 119 Member
    I weigh in on Fridays, just in case I eat something I really shouldn't on the weekend.
  • burston0707
    I agree with you alway weigh on a Friday before the weekend I used to weigh on a Monday but didn't see any changes
  • shrinkingbrian
    shrinkingbrian Posts: 171 Member
    I do my weekly weigh-in for tracking purposes on Friday morning when I first wake up. Some weekends, I may be up 1-2 pounds but I usually get down by Friday. I weight myself daily but I only track Fridays in my chart. Daily weigh ins can cause some emotional ups and downs but I just have to look at the big picture.
  • RichelleO123
    RichelleO123 Posts: 1 Member
    I totally agree! I love weighing in on Fridays, because if I do cheat on the weekend I have a whole week to do better .
  • nave002
    nave002 Posts: 211 Member
    I just finished changing my weigh-in day for exactly the reasons you listed... lol Glad it wasn't only me thinking this way... I used to weigh in on Wednesdays and this Friday will be my first time weighing in since switching the day.

    According to a previous comment, "it may be an all in your mind thing", [not directly quoted] and if it is, so be it. This works better for me..... I think! :happy:
  • amraf1024
    amraf1024 Posts: 74
    I weigh in on Sundays so I can still on track through the weekend:)

    I am the same way...gives me more of a reason not to eat unhealthy over the weekend knowing the scale will show
  • Jred36
    Jred36 Posts: 63 Member
    I think I am going to change my day to Friday since I never thought of this before, lol. I think realistically as long as the scale moves downward, it doesn't really matter what day it is.
  • Tysonlovesweights
    Tysonlovesweights Posts: 139 Member
    on an almost related note, I have noticed that a large number of MFP users only do weigh ins immediately after waking up and using the restroom. I am not a big fan of this, because I feel that it gives a skewed perspective of how much a person actually weighs. Sure you weigh your least at that time of day typically, but it doesn't really represent how much you weigh on an average day, because most of us consume a couple pounds of foods and liquids within a fairly short time of waking up. I wanted to start losing weight because I was finding that carrying the extra weight was hard on my feet, and they were always sore. I am not concerned with what my lowest possible weight could be, I am concerned with my overall average loss. I don't begrudge anyone their morning weigh in, it can be a source of motivation for many I am sure, it just doesn't suit my goals. and OP you are totally right, the day of the week shouldn't matter, since your overall loss should be an obvious trend regardless of the day you weigh in, but many people have their "free days" on the weekend also, and want to get in that weigh in before just in case!
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    on an almost related note, I have noticed that a large number of MFP users only do weigh ins immediately after waking up and using the restroom. I am not a big fan of this, because I feel that it gives a skewed perspective of how much a person actually weighs. Sure you weigh your least at that time of day typically, but it doesn't really represent how much you weigh on an average day, because most of us consume a couple pounds of foods and liquids within a fairly short time of waking up. I wanted to start losing weight because I was finding that carrying the extra weight was hard on my feet, and they were always sore. I am not concerned with what my lowest possible weight could be, I am concerned with my overall average loss. I don't begrudge anyone their morning weigh in, it can be a source of motivation for many I am sure, it just doesn't suit my goals. and OP you are totally right, the day of the week shouldn't matter, since your overall loss should be an obvious trend regardless of the day you weigh in, but many people have their "free days" on the weekend also, and want to get in that weigh in before just in case!

    I agree with you and that is the also the reason for me why I weigh myself with my clothes and shoes on. I am basically only interested in a as steady as possible downwards move of the scale and not so much knowing how much I have lost to the last ounce under "optimal " circumstances. That is also the reason why I only weigh myself every two weeks.