Anyone been on and off the wagon like you've been going through the Oregon Trail?

TenaciousTAZ Posts: 135 Member
I'd rode and been "bumped" off the wagon for years. I thought this last bout was permanent (as I kept weight off 5 years), but I tore a disc in my back, and weight keep creeping back. I'm still less than my biggest, but just curious if anyone has struggled for decades like I have and are still determined to keep at it. My general health (minus back) is ok, and I could care less about my looks/weight, but I know I need to drop some pounds to release some of the pain on my back. (not to mention it will be hell on my back in 20 years)
I'm motivated, but just looking to hear from people who have been through this rodeo more than once or twice, or three times a lady (LOL yes I'm weird...kudos if you know the reference)


  • viccigb
    viccigb Posts: 93 Member
    I'm right there too. I've lost weight and kept it off 3 times now, now this is the most I have ever weighted. I started back up again. Summer is hard though since we don't have a normal schedule.
  • TheChangeIsNow
    TheChangeIsNow Posts: 48 Member
    *raises hand* Over the last 10 years I've been sooooo up and down with my weight. Lost a good amount of weight for my best friends wedding three years ago and I hadn't felt that great in years!! I was happy with the way I looked, but most importantly, I was happy with how I felt. I had so much energy and was always so excited to get up in the morning and exercise. Well... I ended up gaining that weight back and a tiny bit more that next year. It's funny that you posted this bc I was just telling myself today (as today is day 2 for me) that this won't be a temporary diet/thing this time, but a permanent lifestyle change. I'm excited, focused, and ready to get to it! I wish you all the best in your journey! We CAN DO THIS!!
  • carolejaye
    carolejaye Posts: 13 Member
    So appreciate your posts! I just got on to see if there was an area for starting again, again, again ...... I've done good for 2 meals today. Further than I've gotten some days!
  • TenaciousTAZ
    TenaciousTAZ Posts: 135 Member
    Glad to see I'm not the only one. This battle of the bulge (rather war) has been going on for 30 years for me. Even with my weight gain, my health levels are better than they were 10 years ago, so I can't complain. I just know my torn disc/back will feel better with less weight.
    Even though it's only been over a week, my more diligent eating of healthy foods has made me feel so much better. (now to just get blood sugar balanced again...crankiness ensues at times as my body is used to bigger portions)
    Failure is just an opportunity to try again, only more intelligently....I know God wants me to have more balance in my life, and my back issue was mostly from overdoing things. Finding balance is the key...with food, exercise etc. It's not easy but as Mr. Miagi said, "Must find balance!"
    Enjoy your day!!