Exercising in a second story apartment



  • ElJefeChief
    ElJefeChief Posts: 651 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    Pfttt...I would just exercise and they can just move!

    That's my philosophy.

  • Laurenjenai
    Laurenjenai Posts: 197 Member
    DrEnalg wrote: »
    But also, most apartments have designated quiet times like 11 am to 7am and your neighbors just have to understand that noise like that cones along with apartment living.

    sorry I meant 12am to 7 am.

    I'm jealous. I have to kowtow to a 7pm-7am schedule.

    I'm counting the days when I can get my new place and can ditch this apartment life for good, and I can work out whenever the heck I want.

    Lol I don't know why I keep typing this wrong and not catching it, it was 11pm to 7 am... but yeah that seems pretty lenient.
  • kat_princess12
    kat_princess12 Posts: 109 Member
    Unless the building's in such crappy condition that dust and plaster are falling on the neighbors every time you walk across the floor, they have no cause to complain. But some at-home workouts that have worked for me: Leslie Sansone at-home walking programs, Pilates or yoga DVDs (10-Minute Solution ones are FANTASTIC), or look on Pinterest for targeted workouts for arms, legs, etc.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I love the matting idea, which reminded me of a great traveller's hack; a foldable yoga mat. The article suggests only three items are needed to work out on the road; the runners, the mat, and the computer. He has a point.


    This is on my wish list:
  • Katus130
    Katus130 Posts: 50 Member
    I don't think doing high impact exercise during normal hours is unreasonable. I've lived in apartments for half of my life and part of living in an apartment is dealing with the noise from neighbors. For what it's worth, I'm a professional classical musician and practice at home in the late morning or early afternoon. I've never had an issue; probably because I'm considerate and don't do my thing at 1 am.

    If it is really bothering them, they will let you know. Then you could find out when would be a better time for you to exercise. You never know, maybe you'll find a new work-out buddy.
  • MayaEmProject
    MayaEmProject Posts: 18 Member
    Hat with a cap and go outside. Your not made out of sugar... and your immune system will be better if your not scared going and being outside in any weather condition.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Anything that involves jumping up and down will not be considered reasonable use of your apartment. That is not a normal use. Eat, sleep, store your clothes--yes. Use the space as an exercise studio--no.

    Other people may need to sleep during the day, work from home, etc. You may have neighbors who are elderly or ill. It's not OK for the OP to disrupt the lives of strangers.

    Planet Fitness=$10/month.

    You have totally unrealistic views- along with OP's neighbors.

    If I pay $---- a month for rent, I WILL use my apartment in any way I like. It is MY space.

    When you live in an apartment complex, there will be noise. Her neighbors chose to live in an apartment. If they didn't want to hear someone exercising for an hour a day, they should have bought their own home where they can control the noise.

    Noise from exercise is not disruptive. Shouting, yelling, screaming, and objects being thrown is; however OP is not doing any of those.

    Her neighbors can move if they find exercise to be so "disruptive."
  • demoiselle2014
    demoiselle2014 Posts: 474 Member
    I wait until after 8 am to do any exercise other than yoga. I exercise in the living room, which is not over a sleeping area. And I have a wall to wall carpet with an area rug over it. I try to land softly.
  • kk_inprogress
    kk_inprogress Posts: 3,077 Member
    Anything that involves jumping up and down will not be considered reasonable use of your apartment. That is not a normal use. Eat, sleep, store your clothes--yes. Use the space as an exercise studio--no.

    Other people may need to sleep during the day, work from home, etc. You may have neighbors who are elderly or ill. It's not OK for the OP to disrupt the lives of strangers.

    Planet Fitness=$10/month.

    I think the whole point of the OPs post was that she is trying to be respectful and there are PLENTY of decent exercise options being suggested that don't involve jumping up and down. You can't assume her neighbors are rigid and hate noise. Also, $10 for you is not the same as $10 for someone else. There are a lot of unfair assumptions in your post.

    OP- try yoga or Pilates for strengthening. Jillian Michaels also has some workouts that don't involve any jumping if you prefer more cardio to strengthening. I also like just doing squat/push up/lunge/plank sets and those are silent. The other obvious point is chat with your neighbors- they probably know they live with a moving body above them and can suggest times they may be gone, or hours they just don't mind.

    Good luck!
  • kayla_who
    kayla_who Posts: 540 Member
    Thanks for all the suggestions!

    And for those that suggest going out in the rain, I am not against that however yesterday was storming with tornado warnings, etc. Nope. haha
  • kk_inprogress
    kk_inprogress Posts: 3,077 Member
    kayla_who wrote: »
    Thanks for all the suggestions!

    And for those that suggest going out in the rain, I am not against that however yesterday was storming with tornado warnings, etc. Nope. haha

    Tornados? Slacker
  • spatulamom
    spatulamom Posts: 158 Member
    kayla_who wrote: »
    Thanks for all the suggestions!

    And for those that suggest going out in the rain, I am not against that however yesterday was storming with tornado warnings, etc. Nope. haha

    I used to tap dance on my wood floors in my apartment. Not that I'm recommending that in your case...(I also had a hair salon underneath me that liked to play bass until 2 AM. It was my revenge.)
  • sunshyncatra
    sunshyncatra Posts: 598 Member
    Yoga on youtube or other stretching exercises.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Get a mat and don't drop your weights. How thin are your floors anyway? And isn't everyone else at work?

    Body weight workouts: squats, push-ups, lunges. Resistance bands for strength. All quiet activities.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,302 Member
    Couch?!? Books?!? Weights?!? Can you leg press the couch? Can you progressively add weight? Dead's using the couch?!? Just spitballing here people. Prop the couch up and slide under like you do at the gym on the machine. Who knows maybe you could start a you tube channel only using the stuff in your apartment.
  • micheledarley2012
    micheledarley2012 Posts: 24 Member
    My upstairs neighbor has all hardwood floors. She exercises loud, she cleans loud, and she walks loud. But she's a nice girl with a nice boyfriend and I would rather have that than some of the other neighbors I have had in the past. I exercise barefoot on carpet around 11am while my downstairs neighbor plays rock music very loud after he comes home from work. However he is a decent guy, and again good neighbors are hard to come by. He doesn't complain my upstairs neighbors don't complain and I don't complain. We're very civilized here lol!
  • kayla_who
    kayla_who Posts: 540 Member
    kkenseth wrote: »
    kayla_who wrote: »
    Thanks for all the suggestions!

    And for those that suggest going out in the rain, I am not against that however yesterday was storming with tornado warnings, etc. Nope. haha

    Tornados? Slacker

  • ThatMouse
    ThatMouse Posts: 229 Member
    I really like www.startbodyweight.com for its progressions - you really only need a pull up bar with a dip attachment (and even then, that's optional if you don't want to work those every day - but check Kijiji, I'm sure you'd find a ton for free).

    A lot of bodyweight movements can be made much harder when you slow down - with an added benefit to neighbors in that (given you're not trying to do a slow negative on a pull up and fall off) it's even quieter.

    You might just need to save any plyometric-type stuff for when you can get outside.
  • kbg027
    kbg027 Posts: 14 Member
    I usually do two things - either do the stairs (meaning first floor to the top) or I hop on my portable stair stepper. The stair stepper has been amazing! It's a great way to burn some calories all while catching up on all of my favorite shows! I place it in front of my tv and go to work! Takes your mind off of the exercising - before you know it, you've had a pretty decent workout.

    Good luck!

    What kind if stair stepper is it? I'm looking to get something like that.