Do you give yourselves "cheat days" as a reward?



  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    I'm trying to maintain without losing anymore weight as I have been so far this summer. Therefore I eat whatever I want and don't consider it cheating.
  • Laurenjenai
    Laurenjenai Posts: 197 Member
    I have any snack I want any day, I just make sure to stay within my calorie goal. Truthfully though weekends I tend to over indulge, but that just makes it harder for me during the week lol. Moderation moderation moderation, it's important to remember that and it won't make things so difficult.
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    I do my best to never use food as a reward. Food as comfort is what got me here to begin with. For me seeing the number on the scale go down is the reward. I allow myself some sweets or chips every day, they are just a part of my everyday eating. In fact there is nothing off limits as far as I a concerned. I just budget my calories to be able to "afford" the foods I want. Sometimes the budget says I need to wait a day or two to have some things. But when I do enjoy them I don't see them as any kind of a reward. As an adult I don't need bribes to get myself to do what I know is right.

    When I want to do something nice for myself I go to a movie or to the museum or the botanical garden that I love. I ride my horse, go to an aikido seminar, buy some flowers for my home.... Even these things are just something I do on a regular basis. I don't have to earn them. I deserve to be loved by me every day, just for being me. I deserve to have a happy and comfortable life filled with the things I enjoy, within my budget, and I deserve to live in a healthy body that I am proud of while I do all of that.
  • Zia209
    Zia209 Posts: 17 Member
    PixelPuff wrote: »
    I'll be the person in the thread that says *kitten* YES, I DO. I'd go crazy without. Then again, my diet I use is a lil weird.

    Meatless on weekdays, meat free-for-all on weekend [in moderation for calories, you see]. In addition to eating meat again on weekends, I allow myself some leeway on calories. I try to eat around my 1200, but I'll splurge and go just a bit below my maintenance some days. Such as Friday... BBQ festival in the town over. Iatesomuch. xD; Regreeeet, but still below my maintenance.

    I bet you save a ton on your groceries. I might need to have some meatless days in my schedule. I want a nice vacation, so that will help me save up :)
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    As a reward? No.

    Sometimes life happens and you deal with it....but no, I don't do cheat meals as a "reward"...
  • kaseyr1505
    kaseyr1505 Posts: 624 Member
    I don't reward myself with food. I eat what I want, in moderation. So I don't feel the need to cheat.
  • eshnna
    eshnna Posts: 109 Member
    No, I eat what I want that is within my allowed calories. If I want to splurge, I exercise more to allow myself to eat it.
  • oh_happy_day
    oh_happy_day Posts: 1,137 Member
    I bank calories throughout the week to account for a day on the weekend where we eat out or I have a few glasses of wine. I still try to eat mindfully, I log it as accurately as I can and call it a day. I try not to think of it as a cheat day because that plays into unhealthy all-or-nothing/food as comfort thinking that I can struggle with. I know that this Saturday I'll be eating out twice and that even the 'best option' is still going to put me over my calories. So I'll just enjoy the food, do the best I can and I'm eating lightly over the next few days to even it out.
  • kikomansauce
    kikomansauce Posts: 59 Member
    Yes :) I love food, and it's the best motivator/reward for me xD I love food too much :) I eat for the pleasure of my tastebuds, not my body. HAHA! That's bad, I don't care. Food is delicious :)
  • Docbanana2002
    Docbanana2002 Posts: 357 Member
    I disagree with the idea of "cheating", NOT because I think it is bad to have a larger or less nutritious meal now and then, I just don't like the sneaky connotation of me cheating as if I'm doing something illicit. I'm not cheating anyone or anything if I have a bad day, diet wise. Sometimes I just can't be perfect. I log it and move on.

    I also have some days that are higher net calorie than others on purpose, for various reasons. Again, it isn't "cheating" but a part of my plan. I'm trying to lose a half pound per week (250 calorie deficit), but find it easier to have some days be days when I restrict more and run a 500 calorie deficit, then pick a few other days to eat at maintenance. I tend to plan my maintenance days at times when I either know I'll be more sedentary (so will have fewer calories to eat back) or when I have a special occasion where I'll want to enjoy a larger or more caloric meal.
  • gypsyish
    gypsyish Posts: 78 Member
    Nope, I don't use food as a reward or consider going over on my calories to be cheating. Small things like ice cream, burgers, etc I just fit into my 1200. Other times I know I will probably go over - like my birthday, thanksgiving, and sometimes dates with my boyfriend. That's just life. Eating this way - fitting delicious things into my diet and being okay with going over on special occasions - doesn't make me feel like I need a "cheat" day.
  • shoshkabob
    shoshkabob Posts: 14 Member
    I give myself a couple of cheat foods within a certain period of time. If I go too long without Reese's, donuts, or burgers, I go absolutely insane. :P Having these foods keeps me motivated and doesn't make me feel like I have to "say goodbye" to them, or that if I have them then I have to give up.
  • dabry05
    dabry05 Posts: 14 Member
    edited July 2015
    Nope. I do things like meals with co-workers and friends, and if I'm on a date I'm not that person who is constantly looking at how many calories I'm putting in me. I do however log everything, and budget it in. When I do go get a bite to eat out, which is rare, it's either barbecue or chinese food (or pad thai), and I keep myself under the calories I have budgeted. Not so much a cheat day as welp, guess you can't have as much food as you normally do.
  • Debmal77
    Debmal77 Posts: 4,770 Member
    I believe that being at a healthy weight is a "reward" in itself.
  • 1meeks123
    1meeks123 Posts: 11 Member
    edited July 2015
    Yes! I am not on a diet. I made a lifestyle change so of course I am eating cake at a birthday, bbq ribs on the 4th, too much food on Thanksgiving ect... I look forward to these moments. I just count my calories and stay under goal most of the time. I am one ounce short of a 45 pound lost so keep rewarding yourself when you pass those test. If you don't you will fall. Don't set yourself up for failure. Go for success!
  • Tafrio3rd
    Tafrio3rd Posts: 6 Member

    The body adapts ro everything that you throw at it and you will see people say "no I never take a cheat meal" which comes off hardcore but the fact is that you will be doing yourself a favor in keeping ur body at a certain state to burn calories if u do have a refeed (cheat day). The body will then revamp itself into burning mode instead of getting used to and adjusting to the "perfect" diet. It's not a reward it's to keep ur body on "it's toes"
  • fourterrys
    fourterrys Posts: 90 Member
    I dont have "cheat days" In the past when dieting, I did and that diet would last about 1 month and almost everyday became a cheat day. For me it is so negative to say cheating. It makes me get down on myself and before I know it, the diet is done. Now I CHOOSE what I eat. Most times I choose not to eat the wrong thing. But sometimes I choose to eat it. I will save calories for it that day or will make up for it with extra exercise or fewer calories for the next few days. I have finally realized that this is something I need to do for the long haul. (started with 70 lbs to lose- 32 gone in 4 1/2 months) Being so restrictive would too unattainable for me.

    Celebrate your victories however it works for you! But plan for it and make it work with your goal :)