Help trying to loose weight

I need help trying to loose a large amount of weight? What foods to stay away from & how I can get rid off my thighs and hips!


  • Nyappykim
    Nyappykim Posts: 57 Member
    You don't need to stay away from any foods unless there's a medical reason for you to avoid that certain food group.

    You can't spot reduce - fat will reduce everywhere equally or reduce from one area more than the others.
  • chelseakrenzke
    chelseakrenzke Posts: 47 Member
    Last time I cut out salty snacks, pasta, breads, red meat, sweets and cheese with at least 30 minutes of exercise 4 times a week. I had one cheat day a week too but never went over board. I lost 12 pounds in less than 3 weeks.

    I mainly ate fruits, veggies, salads, chicken, seafood, had rice sometimes and baked homemade french fries (small amounts).
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited July 2015
    I need help trying to loose a large amount of weight? What foods to stay away from & how I can get rid off my thighs and hips!

    You cannot spot reduce. You will lose fat on your thighs and hips simply by losing fat. If you tend to gain there, it might come off there last, but you never know.

    To lose weight, you will want to eat below your maintenance calories. (MFP will give you the number of calories it predicts you should eat, based on your information. Try that.)

    For weight loss it really doesn't matter what you eat, and to be able to keep losing weight happily (long enough to successfully lose a great deal of weight and maintain it) it makes sense to eat what you like. But those foods you like should--if health is a concern-- ideally comprise an overall balanced, nutritious diet. There's no need to cut out any specific foods, though. The only foods I cut out were those I was eating without really appreciating them--now if I eat something higher calorie it had better fit in my plan and be worth the calories! (I have lost 95 lbs.)

    Some people find that adjusting what they eat tends to make them feel more satisfied/fuller for longer. You learn this by experimenting. For example, I try to eat protein and vegetables at all meals, as that fit my nutrition plan, and it also tends to mean that I don't get hungry between meals. What works for that tends to differ person to person, though.