Logging just one bite..



  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    Let your results do the talking. Try not to do too much sampling, but if you're doing it and are still headed toward your goal at a good pace, then you don't have to worry about it. If you hit a slow-down or stall, then you know what you need to do: decrease nibbling, increase logging, increase exercise, or all three.
  • ejchapman123
    ejchapman123 Posts: 4 Member
    And I for sure don't add household chores as work out as for me, as a SAHM it contributes to being 'lightly active' vs 'sedentary'

    Im a SAHM at have MFP set at lightly active instead of sedentary too, but don't log any of my cooking or cleaning activities (and I cook EVERY meal, and don't have a cleaning lady"

    Glad I am not the only one with this logic, makes me feel better about my daily allowance!
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    It's unlikely that one bite will make or break your diet, but if you're going to count calories, might as well count all of the calories, not some or most of them, KWIM?
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,660 Member
    so I've logged like a sample at Costco, it was half a veggie wonton so it was easy. But tonight I made myself a salad and made the rest of the fam spaghetti. I wanted to make sure it tasted great and was cool enough for the toddler so I took a bite with three noodles (gluten free, corn noodles) and part of a diced pork sausage, plus the tomatoe sauce (homemade, no sugar) and have no clue how to log it...

    Why can't you eat spaghetti with your family? On a calorie allowance of 1650, you can fit it. My allowance is much lower, and I occasionally have spaghetti. The reason I ask is that sometimes people start having "bites" of things and not allowing themselves full portions because they are restricting or denying themselves certain foods when they don't need to. If you set up an environment where you are cooking something delicious for your family, but you always get just a salad, you may also be setting yourself up for some setbacks later when you feel tempted to binge because you feel deprived. The other thing I've heard of is people tasting food and then spitting it out so they don't end up consuming the calories, which is another step on the road to disaster.
  • marinesKiwee
    marinesKiwee Posts: 31 Member
    And I for sure don't add household chores as work out as for me, as a SAHM it contributes to being 'lightly active' vs 'sedentary'

    Im a SAHM at have MFP set at lightly active instead of sedentary too, but don't log any of my cooking or cleaning activities (and I cook EVERY meal, and don't have a cleaning lady"

    Glad I am not the only one with this logic, makes me feel better about my daily allowance!

    Yup, I cook all meals too and attempt to keep my house clean on my own lol (with three kids and homeschooling not always happening lol) so I'm on my feet all day.
  • marinesKiwee
    marinesKiwee Posts: 31 Member
    rosebette wrote: »
    so I've logged like a sample at Costco, it was half a veggie wonton so it was easy. But tonight I made myself a salad and made the rest of the fam spaghetti. I wanted to make sure it tasted great and was cool enough for the toddler so I took a bite with three noodles (gluten free, corn noodles) and part of a diced pork sausage, plus the tomatoe sauce (homemade, no sugar) and have no clue how to log it...

    Why can't you eat spaghetti with your family? On a calorie allowance of 1650, you can fit it. My allowance is much lower, and I occasionally have spaghetti. The reason I ask is that sometimes people start having "bites" of things and not allowing themselves full portions because they are restricting or denying themselves certain foods when they don't need to. If you set up an environment where you are cooking something delicious for your family, but you always get just a salad, you may also be setting yourself up for some setbacks later when you feel tempted to binge because you feel deprived. The other thing I've heard of is people tasting food and then spitting it out so they don't end up consuming the calories, which is another step on the road to disaster.

    I'm not a huge fan of spaghetti lol, I really prefer my grilled chicken salad :) and since we eat at 5:30, a lighter dinner means I'm not in trouble when I want a small snack at 7pm

    I usually take a 'bite' of whatever I made the kids though to make sure the flavors are right and all that, I'm Italian, were tasters lol. I'm fairly confident that the 150cal buffer I added will help me keep on track even with stuff like that.
  • Katzedernacht
    Katzedernacht Posts: 266 Member
    Hmm...I don't really taste my food,cos it's always awesome so..I don't know I'd log a silly amount of calories, I did eat a carrot once while cooking, I did NOT log that.
  • kimw91
    kimw91 Posts: 355 Member
    If it's a bite of a full meal, I'll either log some extra calories through quick add, or add a little more in my own meal (eg. 10 extra grams of chicken and 5 extra grams of pasta if I were eating chicken pasta or so). If it's a bite of something with a clearer portion like the wonton, I'll indeed just guesstimate the amount and log that.
  • cindyangotti
    cindyangotti Posts: 294 Member
    I have a feeling those who post complaining they are not losing weight may be in the category who doesn't log correctly. Of course an occasional one bite of something wont hurt but certainly walking through Costco and having their samples could because that is more than one bite! Same with eating from you childrens plates, and lots of tasting while cooking. I wouldn't log one carrot but I would certainly log Costco samples. So if you aren't losing weight you may want to keep an eye on your sampling if it's more than an occasional thing.
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    I hardly ever take bites of stuff. I either plan to eat something or I don't.

    When I do take "just a bite" of something, I don't worry about it. It's so infrequent that it doesn't impact my progress.

    If I were a frequent "just a bite"r, I would track it. But that too much of a pain in the butt for me that I gave up that habit instead.