unsupportive family

Hey guys..

I am currently trying to lose 30 pounds.. i am so big :"( i am 5"6 and weigh 167 lb ...

I have lost weight i was 180lb in may. My mum was not that supportive back then but she wasnt discouraging either. But recently she has started to say things like "you are wasting your money in the gym" or "u will never make it". I feel so down and discouraged... the rest of my family calls me fat aswell. I have really bad confidence and i feel like giving up.

Anyone been through something like this before?


  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    edited July 2015
    No. My immediate family was either supportive or just kind of didn't comment. They knew I had medical issues and why I was doing it and didn't support verbally but didn't tease or whathaveyou. Sometimes they'd kind of scrunch up their noses when looking at my food while they walked by with their Chinese, pizza, ribs or whathaveyou, but it was more, "I'm so glad I'm not eating that" than it was, "You suck." :)

    My extended family, however...a couple people made nasty comments. They weren't unsupportive in the sense that they said I couldn't, but tried to discourage me from doing it and made fun of my methods.

    The hell with it. You're probably too young to be able to see how little other people's opinions matter, but they really don't. All that matters is what you think and how you feel. Of course you can do it. They're full of it.

    Try not to let it get to you. They're either jealous or insecure or angry...whatever their problem is, it's their problem. Miserable people love to try to spread their misery around. Don't make it yours.

    You do what's right for you. Being happy in the end is better than being all worried about other people's comments.

    Work on your goals. :)
  • MsWendyDarling
    MsWendyDarling Posts: 138 Member
    I'll be your new family! You can do it! You're doing this so you can be healthy and happy! Don't listen to people who are bringing you down! ♡
  • Misshelgeson
    Misshelgeson Posts: 17 Member
    I hear you i was 185 5'2" I'm now 149 my father buys me a candy whenever he goes to the store and my boyfriend buys a pie a week and yells at me for not eating it or leftovers fast enough and when I log my calories or go to the gym my bf says is that really helping you at all. I'll ask him can't you tell and he says you still have a ways to go. some people would like like us to fail because they think we are not going to be as available or submissive if we succeed and have more confidence. keep up the hard work iam with and more like without their support
  • jmoc19
    jmoc19 Posts: 8 Member
    First of all, congrats on the weight you lost. Secondly, sometimes people will put roadblocks in your way when they are scared that you the person may change who you are. Stay strong and focused.