Small, healthy on the go snacks/breakfast?

Hello MFP community. Looking for easy snack ideas for an on the go agenda, particularly in the morning. My day starts at 3:45a and I'm at work by 4:30. My breakfast is usually oatmeal with half a banana and cinnamon powder. But that doesn't happen until around 5:30a or 6a. What are a few early morning, non time consuming options for me? I'd even be alright prepping the night before. Thank you for your help in advance!


  • htg20
    htg20 Posts: 116 Member
    Nuts, boiled eggs
  • cabwj
    cabwj Posts: 843 Member
    Omelette muffins. Toss in whatever you like in your omelette, use egg whites or whole eggs- whichever you prefer. Bake in a muffin pan. I make them up on Sunday for the upcoming week.
  • oh_happy_day
    oh_happy_day Posts: 1,137 Member
    Hardboiled eggs, mini frittatas (make in muffin pan), healthy muffins, smoothie (a lot of them will keep overnight in a mason jar).
  • AddieOverhaul
    AddieOverhaul Posts: 734 Member
    Maybe have the banana earlier since it is portable and grab and go. Other options could be a protein bar or a single serving of yogurt, nuts, an apple...
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Hello MFP community. Looking for easy snack ideas for an on the go agenda, particularly in the morning. My day starts at 3:45a and I'm at work by 4:30. My breakfast is usually oatmeal with half a banana and cinnamon powder. But that doesn't happen until around 5:30a or 6a. What are a few early morning, non time consuming options for me? I'd even be alright prepping the night before. Thank you for your help in advance!

    Sargento balance breaks

    Nuts- cashews, pecans, walnuts, almonds, pistachios, peanuts

    Seeds- pumpkin, sunflower

    Nut butters- peanut, cashew, almond

    Cheese stick

    Beef jerky

    Greek yogurt

    Celery sticks with peanut butter

    Apple slices with peanut butter

    Protein bar

    Protein shake
  • br3adman
    br3adman Posts: 284 Member
    Glass of milk and an boiled egg. Stay away from those high priced food bars. Look up homemade recipes for bars so you know what's in it. Make a few dozen for a few weeks.
  • richard_r94
    richard_r94 Posts: 7 Member
    br3adman wrote: »
    Glass of milk and an boiled egg. Stay away from those high priced food bars. Look up homemade recipes for bars so you know what's in it. Make a few dozen for a few weeks.
    I actually really like that idea alot. Home made bars for breakfast. I think I'll have to give that a try! Thanks a lot @br3adman I'll let you know how it goes!
  • mabernier
    mabernier Posts: 62 Member
    I peel bananas and cut them in half and put a popsicle stick in them. Then freeze them. I pull one out for on the way to work. It tastes almost like ice cream but gives me that little boost first thing in the morning, but not too much sugar. I also will prepare a smoothie in my Oster smoothie container and put it in the fridge, but do not blend it until the next morning right before I leave the house. Very filling and portable.
  • richard_r94
    richard_r94 Posts: 7 Member
    Maybe have the banana earlier since it is portable and grab and go. Other options could be a protein bar or a single serving of yogurt, nuts, an apple...
    Hey Addie! Thanks for the suggestion! I've definitely thought about this. But I usually mush the banana into my oatmeal because that and cinnamon are the only things I use to sweeten my oats as opposed to other sugars. Maybe I'll start throwing nuts of some sort in along with it to make it a bit more hearty. Thanks!
  • richard_r94
    richard_r94 Posts: 7 Member
    mabernier wrote: »
    I peel bananas and cut them in half and put a popsicle stick in them. Then freeze them. I pull one out for on the way to work. It tastes almost like ice cream but gives me that little boost first thing in the morning, but not too much sugar. I also will prepare a smoothie in my Oster smoothie container and put it in the fridge, but do not blend it until the next morning right before I leave the house. Very filling and portable.
    Those bananacicles sound amazing! I live in Texas and the summer here is a scorcher. I'm definitely giving those a try for a nice cool down treat. How long do they last once in the freezer?
  • kwoolfwpfd
    kwoolfwpfd Posts: 32 Member
    Hello MFP community. Looking for easy snack ideas for an on the go agenda, particularly in the morning. My day starts at 3:45a and I'm at work by 4:30. My breakfast is usually oatmeal with half a banana and cinnamon powder. But that doesn't happen until around 5:30a or 6a. What are a few early morning, non time consuming options for me? I'd even be alright prepping the night before. Thank you for your help in advance!

    I meal prep my breakfast each Sunday. I do 1 cup of steel cut oats and the night before I eat I add 1 cup of almond milk. By morning it's oatmeal and I add 1 cup of berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries) and some honey. I also have a protein shake. It's easy for me since I'm not a morning person and it takes about 5 minutes. Hope this helps!
  • newblue95
    newblue95 Posts: 53 Member
    Chia seed pudding, takes 5 minutes to make the night before and is ready overnight. Has lots of fiber and is very filling! There's tons of recipes online for different flavor variations