Help needed - any RA survivors out there with good tips?

I am trying to get back on track - after a 6 month absence. I have been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. I am having such a hard time getting motivated to do anything - everything hurts. Any suggestions?


  • audreyjlucas
    audreyjlucas Posts: 5 Member
    You and I are in the same boat. Diagnosed a year ago. I gained 30 pounds on an already fluffy body and one day I thought, Remember who you are, don't be the disease be you! It didnt happen overnight, I had my pity parties and toddler like tantrums but I have been walking daily. There were days I felt like every bone in my feet were broken but pushing through it and the pain eased. Now walking everyday keeps my pain levels down. I didn't believe it would happen, but it did. I bought the fit bit that monitors your steps for encouragement and I eliminated I inflammatory foods. ( most processed carbs and preservatives)
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    I was diagnose about 3 years ago. I lift weights which has helped tremendously. I lost weight too which I am sure also helped. I found that the stronger my body becomes the better it is.I have no need for meds as of yet and want to prevent that.I also saw what RA can do to your body which is another reason why I lift weights and work out, I dont want to be all crippled up,sure at first getting stronger hurt but with time the pain went away, now I have more good days than bad.
  • mommyof2nc
    mommyof2nc Posts: 1 Member
    I also have RA, diagnosed about 3 years ago. For the first year, I didn't move enough at all. Then one day I woke up and decided I had to at least try to walk, or I'd end up in a wheelchair. So I started (very slowly) walking a little less than a mile each day. For the first couple of months, it took me 40-45 minutes to walk that far, but after sticking with it, I am now able to walk a 15-16 minute mile and I try to walk 2-3 miles a day most days of the week. I think the key is just sticking with it, even if you're limping and in a lot of pain.

    That being said, honestly I haven't been as consistent in the last 6 months as I used to be, but I'm working on getting back to walking every day because I know that when I do that, I feel almost back to my old self before I started having RA symptoms.

    Even with the walking though, I have trouble losing weights, so I just started lifting light weights last week to try to build up my muscles. I'm shooting for lifting weights 2-3 times a week.