Intuitive Eating



  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Do they have Intuitive Seeing where people 'listen to their eyes' and throw their glasses out the window? How about the same for hearing impairments?

    Is it possible that some of us just don't have a properly calibrated sense of how much we need to eat in order to maintain our desired weight level?
  • AnnaBellQ14
    AnnaBellQ14 Posts: 109 Member
    Do they have Intuitive Seeing where people 'listen to their eyes' and throw their glasses out the window? How about the same for hearing impairments?

    Is it possible that some of us just don't have a properly calibrated sense of how much we need to eat in order to maintain our desired weight level?

    That could be. When food is available to me, I have always just eaten it. But I'm trying to learn new habits and skills. Hopefully it will work. I'm still thinking on this how I can implement intuitive eating but still count calories.
  • AnnaBellQ14
    AnnaBellQ14 Posts: 109 Member
    I am trying to reverse type 2 diabetes by limiting my carbs and sugars. I limit my carbs to 60 a day, and since I eat lo-carb, so goes the sugar. I have done this for 2 weeks so far (I think). As it was when I tried Atkins for a while, My appetite is all but gone. I really don't want to kill my metabolism, but right now, I would find it REALLY EASY to do some fasting. It is 2:37 PM where I live and I am about to eat lunch, being my first meal since 9PM last night. I work out 3x a week with a trainer and 30 min of cardio after each session. I walk on other days as well. If fasting kills ones metabolism, why do so many people do it? Just curious...

    Sometimes I don't eat breakfast until noon, but I do eat late at night. Some people practice intermittent fasting. Meal timing doesn't matter, do what's best for you.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,134 Member
    I'd need to pay for therapy in order to learn to eat only when hungry, stop eating when not hungry. I enjoy food too much. When I find something to keep myself from eating, I end up spending too much time at the computer and not enough moving around to justify eating.

    Sometimes I think it would do my good to think of food only as fuel, but I also think what would be the point in making anything taste good or having a favorite or variety.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I have to add that I misread "intuitive" for "mindful". I practice mindful eating now, not intuitive. Intuition in my current food environment will make me fat again.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Sweets1954 wrote: »
    Many of us were raised in the "clean your plate club". How many of us were given the "starving children in China" speech? It has become ingrained in us that if it's on your plate you must eat it. It's difficult to overcome and involves a lot of guilt about "wasting" food. It can be overcome, its a habit like anything else. More power to you and I wish you luck!


  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    OP: I think you're asking the right questions. I made a few blog posts and forum posts on this topic as this is something I'm quite interested in from a coaching standpoint. I also eat intuitively, currently doing it on a slow fat loss phase. There are certainly pros and cons in comparison to a tracking model but as with anything diet and training related it's about finding the strategy to fit the individual.
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    zyxst wrote: »
    I'd need to pay for therapy in order to learn to eat only when hungry, stop eating when not hungry. I enjoy food too much. When I find something to keep myself from eating, I end up spending too much time at the computer and not enough moving around to justify eating.

    Sometimes I think it would do my good to think of food only as fuel, but I also think what would be the point in making anything taste good or having a favorite or variety.

    What's the point of eating if you can't enjoy at least some of it, yeah? I've had to cut out things from my diet for health reasons, and I dread that someday I'll be told to cut out most of what I enjoy, and then what's the point?