Anyone have advice for after surgery foods

Evette7 Posts: 156 Member
Seven days ago I had surgery on my spine in which they actually went in through the front of my throat, moved my artery, voice box and esophagus to gain access to my spine. I have been on a soft food diet since and will remain so until the swelling in my throat goes away. Could be a week, could be 3 months, everyone is different.

I do not like blended foods and have been doing smoothies , which I am good with but max out on one a day. It also helps if the food is cold which of course has let me to lots of sorbets, pudding and jello. I've worked really hard since February to lose a good amount of weight and I just do not want to go backwards.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Oh, and by the way!!! I would LOVE to have friends on here for mutual support! I still have about 80lbs to lose and don't have much in the way of support.


  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    When I had my appendix out I couldn't keep food down. I ate scalloped potatoes and custard for a week. Since you like cold, the custard might work.

    You could do cold soups like gazpacho, or regular homogeneous soups that aren't piping hot. I love mashed potatoes. Really soft sweet potatoes. Creamed corn.

    I hope this helps a little.
  • professionalHobbyist
    professionalHobbyist Posts: 1,316 Member
    No pepper anywhere near you

    Nobody near you use pepper

    A sneeze would be painful
  • Sorchya
    Sorchya Posts: 49 Member
    I had that type of surgery a few years ago to fuse two vertebrae together after removing a disc so badly slipped it was compressing my spinal cord and I was losing the ability to use my right arm. Josalinn has some great ideas, to it I would add oatmeal if you like it, scrambled eggs, some soft fruits like banana or melon, and chicken cooked until falling off of the bone and cut into very small pieces. Normally I don't like to overcook my veggies but for a couple of weeks I did cook some til very soft so that I could eat them...brocolli, string beans, zuchinni. Protein is important for healing...if you like dairy, yogurt, cottage cheese are good. Also tofu if you like it. Depending on what you have for carbs per day some whole grain pasta (cook longer, til soft) can help and you can season it. Also a very soft and tender stew, with the meat in small pieces and cooked slow and on low to keep it from getting tough. Getting moving helps, even just to walk, both with recovering and keeping any post surgery blues at bay.