What should be my activity level?

Hi everyone I been using mfp for over a month now and have lost 12 pounds but I have my activity level set to sedentary and not sure what to have it set as but am 24 Years old and my son just turned 3 on Sunday, I have been completing my 10,000 steps a day starting on July 6, on July 13 I start walking for 1 hour and 30 mins in the park 4.00 miles a day sometimes I carry my son on my back and he weighed 25 lb..... What should be my activity level? Am tryin lose 2 pounds a week also thank you


  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,121 Member
    I'd keep it at sedentary.

    When you go for your 1.5 hour walks, add them to the exercise log.
  • 85Cardinals
    85Cardinals Posts: 733 Member
    You don't sound very sedentary to me, go up a notch!