The start. (Plus questions)

I bet everyone feels like this sometimes. You look in the mirror and think "wow how did I let it get this far". I feel so beyond hopeless. New city, new life. The fact that everyone I'm surrounded with right now doesn't have the same problem I do. My brother, my boyfriend, they ate naturally slender and fit. It's gotten to the point where I argue with myself about every crap meal I have, trying to justify it.

But the self pity is over. I don't want to hate the skin I'm in. Im tired of sleeping until noon. Im tired of hating myself and trying on outdit afted outfit, remembering that they USE to look good on me. I just want to be happy, and this time I refuse to give up on my health.

However, there's some dates coming up that I know will throw me off track. Does anyone have any suggestions what to do when the fair comes? What about going out drinking? How do you avoid the extra calories?


  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    this is my standard advice:

    1. Enter stats into MFP and set for x amount of weight loss.
    2. Eat to the number that MFP gives you.
    3. get a food scale and weigh all solid foods, and as many liquids as possible.
    4. log everything
    5. make sure that you are using correct MFP database entries
    6. realize that there are no bad foods and that while the majority of foods should come from nutrient dense sources, there is nothing wrong with having pizza, ice cream, cookies, etc, as long as ones micro and macro needs are met.
    7. macro setting are typically .85 grams of protein per pound of body weight; .45 grams of fat per pound of body weight; fill in rest with carbs.
    8. find a form of exercise that you like and do it < not necessary for weight loss, but is for overall health and body comp.

    couple stickies I would recommend:



    sidesteels guide:
  • SunflowerSandra
    SunflowerSandra Posts: 70 Member
    The above should guarantee succes.

    In addition, what helped me was learning to say 'no, thank you'. If going out for coffee, don't eat the cookie, say no to *kitten* storebought birthday cake etc. Saying no to calories I don't really like but eat just because they are there, leaves me room for oreo's, ben&jerry's & some fancy chocolates.

    What works for me is still going out for 3/4/5 course meals, all night drinking with friends etc. But one special day is never an excuse to quit. The morning after I go straight back to regular eating. You will reach your goal a little slower, but that is better than not reaching your goal ever...

    You don't have a lot to of weight to lose, so nothing wrong with slow and steady while building habits that will last :)