Getting started again for what feels like the 20th time...anyone else like this?

bekah818 Posts: 179 Member
In the past I've had many successful weight loss journeys. 7 years ago I was at my heaviest, weighing 224lbs at 5 foot 6. I ended up losing 61lbs through good old fashion diet/exercise and weighed 163lbs, which looked amazing on me! Technically 163 is still overweight for my height, but for my body makeup, 163 looked more like 135-140lbs on me. So I don't really follow the standard weight to height ratio..any way, I say all of this to say, within the past 7 years, I went from losing 61, to falling off the wagon and gaining 31 lbs, then losing 31 lbs, to gaining 31lbs again, then losing it, and now I gained it back, AGAIN (again this all happened within the past 7yrs)......anyone else is like this? I know in this case, I just haven't been consistent, but I can't believe I put myself back in this situation. I worked so hard only to throw it all away... My excuse this time was that I lost my job and I use to do crossfit (which is super expensive!) I had to cut back on expenses, so as much as I loved crossfit and it did wonders for my body, I ended up canceling my membership to save me the $200+ I paid every month for it.. I still worked out at home, but what disrupted that was because I was unemployed, I ended up going on lots of vacations, and i must add that I fell in love which we all know happy relationships involves lots of going out to eat, going on mini vacays and etc... needless to say I gained happy weight lol. UGH, now I'm right back and it sucks. I can't blame anyone but myself..I'm venting I know, but anyone else can relate? Any words of advice? I need motivation again :(


  • sweetsobright
    sweetsobright Posts: 4 Member
    Good Morning! Don't be discouraged! Keep on going! I understand fully what you are saying I have lost since the birth of first child.Now that I'm in my 40's it is proving to be a little harder each time but I'm not quitting. 3 years ago I did it again I lost 80lbs. By liquid fast. Once I introduced food back in my life I gained 50 of the pounds back. I have issues that limit what I can do physically .And I let that get me depressed and stayed there. I'm starting over as of this week to get that 50lbs. Back off..We can do it together.
  • Somebody_Loved
    Somebody_Loved Posts: 498 Member
    I completely understand, I've lost and gained the same 30 pounds more times than I can count. When I decided to get serious about it this year, my first step was analyzing what went wrong the previous times and why I wasn't able to keep the weight off. What it came down to for me, is that I chose to lose the weight in a way that wasn't sustainable (obviously, as I gained it all back.)

    One time I was on a VLCD, another time I cut out gluten and dairy. Neither of these were long term solutions for me and resulted in the inevitable weight gain. Also, I always pushed myself to lose weight by a certain date which added unnecessary pressure. This time, I took the timeline away, started tracking in MFP and haven't cut anything out of my diet.

    Everything in moderation. No timeline. Being patient with myself. These have all made this time the time that's going to stick. Good luck - you can do it!
  • nkrueger1
    nkrueger1 Posts: 129 Member
    I've been on the same roller coaster myself and I too am back starting today to logging and being accountable to myself. With MFP I lost 62lbs the last go round and I've gained 20 of those lbs. back so I'm determined to get those off with much more to follow. One day at a time. I'm here for support friend me if you'd like. We can do this!
  • kimlybaker
    kimlybaker Posts: 6 Member
    I'm in the same boat
  • erykahh82
    erykahh82 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in the same boat too...lost weight and gained happy weight. Keep pushing though! Wish you ladies all the best in your journey!
  • esaucier17
    esaucier17 Posts: 694 Member
    Yes....I am in the same place as you. Lost a lot...felt great and a year later have gained it all back. Trying to not be discouraged and keep going. We can do this!
  • BajaDreamin333
    BajaDreamin333 Posts: 267 Member
    Oh yeah, at least the 20th time. Had great success with MFP in 2013 got withing 5 lbs of my goal weight. Then I got complacent. And the weight started creeping back. Then I had major shoulder surgery and was out of commission for almost 3 months, still not 100% after almost 9 months, and gained it all back. I try to remember that success, how the weight just seemed to fall off. i can't find that zen. I am obsessed with food and hate my fate self. Recommitted last weekend with 12 sessions with personal trainer, if the $$$ doesn't motivate, what will? To add insult to injury people all around me are dropping pounds (seemingly) effortlessly. I hate spending time with my newly thin friends because I'm so envious. Here i am again, a goal of 20 lbs by November. Really my goal should be to get through today without eating the world...
  • bekah818
    bekah818 Posts: 179 Member
    Thanks everyone for your feedback! I'm glad I'm not the only one, but this time I think I'm pretty fed up with the back and forth with my weight :s . This will be the time where I take it off and leave it off for good!
  • momshorses
    momshorses Posts: 376 Member
    I totally understand this.... It's very frustrating.
  • lwebsmfp
    lwebsmfp Posts: 297 Member
    I know exactly how you feel! I've lost it all and then out it all back on and then some! I was hard on myself for awhile and lost all motivation. Eventually, I decided enough was enough and I am back at it again and hoping I'll stick with it this time! You know what you want. You've done it before. You can do it again. Life is full of ups and downs! Don't let anything stop you from accomplishing your goals. You can do this!
  • 1pjah7
    1pjah7 Posts: 24 Member
    Definitely can relate. I've lost the same 25 lbs so many times, only to gain it all back. Not sure why I keep hitting a certain point, then give up - I've got more than 25 lbs to lose. I'm back on track again and am trying to be mindful of what triggers cause me to stop when I'm making such good progress.