If my food diary reflected reality, it would read like this:

*Gigantic tumbler of black coffee
*Half-eaten Luna bar I found in my car console on way to work

*Popcorn from break room left over from birthday party yesterday
*Whatever's left of morning coffee (cold)
*Expired can of low-sodium V8 I found after digging in the break room fridge out of desperation because popcorn just wasn't enough

*Half an orange shared by coworker

*Whatever Spaghetti-Os my kid didn't eat
*A flat Prickly Pear Shiner beer my hubs opened yesterday but didn't drink and put back in the fridge
*A Special K protein shake, because I realize I haven't eaten any protein all day

Hey, at least I was under my calories!


  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    Funny, but I would cry if that was my reality. lol Thanks for sharing. :smiley:
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Busy mom can be a hard place but take some time to sit down and eat at least one real meal a day. You do not need to be the garbage disposal for everyone's leftovers. I've been there and it was usually followed by a huge binge of even worse stuff.
  • JulesVinTX
    JulesVinTX Posts: 13 Member
    Lizzy622 wrote: »
    Busy mom can be a hard place but take some time to sit down and eat at least one real meal a day. You do not need to be the garbage disposal for everyone's leftovers. I've been there and it was usually followed by a huge binge of even worse stuff.

    Hi, thanks! Yes, this was just one unfortunate day. I didn't even have the heart to log it because I knew it wasn't good. You raise a good point, though. My hubs and I gained a ton of weight shortly after our baby began eating regular food because we'd eat whatever she left. It took us two years to shake that bad habit.