Hmm what to drink?

as I stated before, I just started my journey on a new healthy me but I'm having such a hard time. I'm not sure what other drinks I can have to go with my lunch or dinner rather than sodas, sweet teas, water(That's all I drink), and other bad things. Help?


  • shadowofender
    shadowofender Posts: 786 Member
    I don't know what you're asking for?

    Drink whatever you want. If it has calories, log it. If you're worried about sugar content, drink diet. If you're concerned about additives, drink tea. Or water. Add flavorings or fruit to water if you want.
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    It's not a bad idea to cut back on liquid calories, since some research shows that they don't cause satiation the way that solid food does. But you don't have to cut out sweetened drinks entirely. And don't label them "bad"; just remember that they have a lot of calories and you should consume them in moderation.

    I usually have coffee with breakfast, water or diet soda with lunch, and water, a beer, or a glass of wine with dinner. Other possibilities: unsweetened tea (takes getting used to, but the less sweet food you eat, the better it tastes), herbal tea (hot or iced), milk, and sparkling water/club soda.