1200 calories-not much change on the scale

hi everyone, I've been eating 1200 calories for the past few weeks, I have noticed a change on the scales but now it seems to be pretty stuck and I'm not losing any weight. Although my clothes feel looser and people commenting on my weight loss? Has any one else ever had this? Many thanks gemma xx


  • QuietStorm74
    QuietStorm74 Posts: 5 Member
    You may be losing body fat and gaining lean muscle mass. Which is a good thing. If you are eating right and working out and your clothes are feeling looser sounds like you're doing something right. I wouldn't concentrate on the scale too much. Make sure you're eating well and not starving yourself. Cardio and weight training and I think you will keep see results.
  • gemzy476
    gemzy476 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanx that's really helpful. I'm making sure I'm eating 1290 every day and I'm always full. I have been working out more so that does explain it! Thank you for your help xxx
  • Faithful_Chosen
    Faithful_Chosen Posts: 401 Member
    Are you weighing all your food in grams on a digital scale? If you would like pointers, open your diary. Good luck!
  • pander101
    pander101 Posts: 677 Member
    So what do you mean by a few weeks? The first couple weeks you will see bigger losses than then following weeks. Have you been weighing your food? It's the most accurate way than just eye-balling or using cups. It is very unlikely that you are gaining muscle. You cannot gain on a deficit (not including noob gains). And gaining muscle takes a lot of work and a surplus of calories and weight training.
  • natboosh69
    natboosh69 Posts: 277 Member
    You may be losing body fat and gaining lean muscle mass.

    Nope not on 1200. If it's only been a few weeks and you're truly only eating 1200 then give it a bit more time. Make sure you're weighing everything with a digital food scale or you will likely end up eating more than you think.
  • gemzy476
    gemzy476 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone, yes I'm weighing everything. Think I'm just a bit impatient haha! Thanx for all your help everyone x