Looking for a small group of supportive friends!

MaryRyll Posts: 14 Member
Hey! I'm just getting re-started on my health and fitness journey! I've got about 25 stubborn pounds I'd love to lose, but more than that, I'd love to get back in control of my life and my health.

I've got celiac disease and can't digest certain foods, which consequently lead me to the paleo diet which I'm slowly transitioning into. I've started dancing once a week and am trying to get myself back into the habit of doing yoga (despite recovering from a wrist injury) and HIIT throughout the rest of the week. I'm super open minded about how other people are approaching their journey to health and would love a small group of friends who log every day and hold each other accountable! A good support network makes all the difference in the world :)


  • lula_ali
    lula_ali Posts: 1 Member
    Hey, I would like to join this group. Since January, in my head I planned out that I wanted to lose 39 pounds to get down to 145lbs. But I've only built the courage to start this journey April. But the weight loss was always on and off. I've currently lost 13lbs so now I have 26lbs to go. However, to sped this up, I've started the Master Cleanse on Sunday which contributed to at least 7lbs of the 13lbs that I lost. I'm continuing this for at least 2 weeks. Hopefully by then I will have only 10lbs to lose which I can do by eating healthy and staying active. Wish me luck!

  • CompM
    CompM Posts: 47 Member
    Hello! I'm on my 13th day streak and brand spanking new to MFP. I have the goal of logging in every day and am also seeking folks to help hold me accountable. My focus is on counting calories and getting a good balance of carbs and protein as a burgeoning road racer. My first goal is 15 lb. weight loss, and the biggest challenge will be health-life balance once the school year starts again. If y'all like, add me and we can work on this together!
  • latiamcd09
    latiamcd09 Posts: 1 Member
    HI, I'm Tia. I would love and need a good support community