Keeping my mental illness at bay



  • knenr
    knenr Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm bi-polar and I take lots of meds. One of them had the awesome side affect of making me gain 50lbs in 6 months! It's a real struggle trying to fight against it to lose weight. But I keep taking my medicine because I was raised by a unmedicated bi-polar mom, and my childhood sucked big time. I don't want that for my kids. So I keep taking them and keep fighting to lose the weight. I hope I win!
  • RivalZero
    RivalZero Posts: 14 Member
    knenr wrote: »
    Hi everyone! I'm bi-polar and I take lots of meds. One of them had the awesome side affect of making me gain 50lbs in 6 months! It's a real struggle trying to fight against it to lose weight. But I keep taking my medicine because I was raised by a unmedicated bi-polar mom, and my childhood sucked big time. I don't want that for my kids. So I keep taking them and keep fighting to lose the weight. I hope I win!

    Hi Knenr,

    It's not easy to deal with weight gain from meds especially when you're trying to lose. I've been there and it can be really frustrating. It seems like you have the right attitude towards it though and that is the key! Don't give up and you will eventually see some results!

    Best of luck to you :smile:
  • maggiemay530
    maggiemay530 Posts: 123 Member
    Welcome, Eric! What a beautifully written post... and an awesome testimony! You are indeed a great encourager and have much to offer here and to all around you. I can hear your kind spirit. Thank you so much for your honest and open sharing.

    My mantra: Feeling afraid of doing a thing? Then do it afraid!
    You have sure confirmed that. Bless you!
  • RivalZero
    RivalZero Posts: 14 Member
    Welcome, Eric! What a beautifully written post... and an awesome testimony! You are indeed a great encourager and have much to offer here and to all around you. I can hear your kind spirit. Thank you so much for your honest and open sharing.

    My mantra: Feeling afraid of doing a thing? Then do it afraid!
    You have sure confirmed that. Bless you!

    Thank you for the kind words :smile:

    Through all of this I have been inspired by a lot of great people who have shared their stories with me. People who have had it really difficult and were on the brink of giving up, and somehow saw the light at the of the tunnel. It has inspired me to keep fighting for the life that I want, no matter what is thrown at me. It's not easy, and some days it still feels like a battle, but it is much more rewarding and fulfilling than the alternative.

    I strongly believe in paying it forward, even more so now than ever. If I can inspire and help even just one person to find the strength and courage to make the changes necessary to improve their quality of life, I believe that I will have made a difference in this world.

    Also, that is a great mantra! I will keep it in mind for when I am afraid to do something :wink:

    Best of luck to you.