Old habits bad habits

Hey all back on here to try to change some bad habits.
Binge eating, smoking, and regular sliggishness.

My fiance and I have decided to start working out together after work to motivate us to stay healthy

My biggest challenge the dining hall where I work with free food at every turn to me as an employee. HELP. Lol.

And aiming to manage my stress and carry myself as a happier more active human. Yay.


  • ashwayparkvp15
    ashwayparkvp15 Posts: 7 Member
    First step to recovery from a problem is admitting there is a problem! so awesome for you to realize you want to make some changes! I was there 16 months ago with getting sober and now I am right where you are at with cigarette smoking and getting back into shape! I too struggle with wanting to eat in the dining hall or just go buy something in general. So if you ever need support!