Hello, I'm 238 lbs

my name is Diana I'm 26 years old 4'11, 238 lbs. I have been overweight all my life and I'm just tired of it. So ready to feel healthy and energetic more than anything. I need motivation girls.... Help!!


  • ronrhoda
    ronrhoda Posts: 91 Member
    Well you just did the first step!! Lots of motivation here!
  • dianamajano
    dianamajano Posts: 5 Member
    I'm excited
  • Twakes558
    Twakes558 Posts: 541 Member
    You got this!! Feel free to add me
  • psucato
    psucato Posts: 71 Member
    You have done the hardest part that taking the first step. With proper diet im sure you can get down to what ever wight will make you happy FR on the way
  • jessicaOVO
    jessicaOVO Posts: 11 Member
    I totally know what you're going through. I'm really short and over 200 too. Let's do this!!
  • arush18
    arush18 Posts: 24 Member
    Welcome you have come to the right place. I'm just starting off but know that you have support in the mfpl community ! Stay motivated and remember why you are doing it.
  • arush18
    arush18 Posts: 24 Member
    Also feel free to add me.
  • JDAZ32
    JDAZ32 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm in the same boat. My weight is not in sync with my height. Keep working at it...thats all we can do!
  • PTru0ng
    PTru0ng Posts: 5 Member
    I am not a girl... Just wanted to put my two cents. Keep up the good work!