I can't stop eating?

I ALWAYS tell my self that I'm going to diet and I want to get really serious about it. Can manage to slip in some exercise during the day but that's not enough if I'm eating junk foods. I always tell myself to avoid foods because they're salty or unhealthy or sugary. But then I go into the kitchen to fill my water bottle, and the next thing you know in eating some food. I can't seem to keep away from the potato chips and ice creams usually. I can eat a serving of potato chips or a little ice cream cup, like the ones the kids in elementary school would get at the end of he year, and feel ashamed. I mean, they're only a little over 100 calories for both snacks if I eat them in their serving around, but in the end it feels like so much. I don't know why I'm so compulsive to eating. I just see it, and then want it. What can I do to stop eating? during the day I'm good sometimes. I hide away in my room but all I can think about is the food I want to eat. I really need to lose weight. I need to lose roughly 70 pounds, and I want to lose 15 in the next two months but I can't do it if I keep eating crap food. What can I do?


  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    To start with I would change my thoughts about changing your eating. I see the word "diet", "unhealthy" and you talk about being "good." Lose the judgment about food, stick to your calorie level and then gradually work in my nutrient dense foods, leaving room for some treats.Without feeling shame.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,193 Member
    But then I go into the kitchen to fill my water bottle, and the next thing you know in eating some food. I can't seem to keep away from the potato chips and ice creams usually. ... What can I do?

    What are the trigger foods doing in your kitchen?

  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Read this book: Breaking Free from Emotional Eating Paperback by Geneen Roth :)
  • franceslinton
    franceslinton Posts: 18 Member
    edited July 2015
    You can lose weight and still enjoy all the yummy foods you usually do. If you have 70lbs to lose, simply changing your portions and sticking to a calorie goal will help get you off to an awesome start! Sounds like you have more control than you give yourself credit for. If you can manage to stick to the actual serving size, just work that snack into your daily caloric intake goal. No shame whatsoever! For example, I LOOOOVE M&M's. When I first started losing weight, I ate a serving of that delicious candy nearly everyday while consistently staying under my calorie goal. BUT as my weight decreased, my calorie goal decreased as well. In order to stay under my goal, instead of a whole serving, I'd have half or none.
    My point is, it's not WHAT you eat, necessarily, but how MUCH. You need to have a caloric deficit in order to lose weight. If you burn 2200 calories/day through normal daily ativities, you'll need to consume far less calories than 2200 in order to lose weight.
    Food choice is important. 200 calories of candy will not sustain you or treat your body the way 200 calories of protein will.
    Eat your yummy food, but balance it so you're not hungry later.
    It's about creating eating habits you can sustain in your lifetime. Not about getting to a goal.
    And last, remember, 80% of your weightloss will be from diet, 20% from exercise. If you don't want to exercise, don't, but you'll want to make sure your calorie goal reflects 0 extra activity. If you're like me, exercise de-motivates (Lol!). Good luck to you
  • bhanvi
    bhanvi Posts: 133 Member
    I had the same problem.What I did is asked my parents to not bring any junk in the house at all.If it's not there,you won't eat it.And when you start eating healthy it will become a habit.So,now after one month of eating only good stuff I have a lot more self control. :)