Need motivation to get moving!

Ive got over 100 lbs to lose. I've been sticking to my calorie goal and losing weight. The problem is that I'm extremely sedentary. I have no motivation to get up and exercise. I know that losing will only last so long until I have to incorporate some sort of exercise routine. I've been increasing my steps goal by 500 per week. I need low impact for now until more weight is off. Also being short on time doesn't help. Hard to get a workout in as a single parent with a 2 year old! Any suggestions? Also feel free to add me!


  • couponlamamama
    couponlamamama Posts: 5 Member
    Hey Brittany. I'm Stephanie. I too want to lose 100. I don't go out and exercise but I do aerobics videos. They're low impact but get your heart rate up and burn calories. Today is my first day but I'm going hardcore. I have TWC and they have exercise vids on demand.
  • amberrea82
    amberrea82 Posts: 232 Member
    Hey there! I started out needing to lose about 150. I hit my 100 lost a couple years ago but gained some back this past year. Now I need to lose about 75 or so to hit goal. Feel free to add me hun :smile:
  • brittanyarkward
    brittanyarkward Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks both of you! The exercise vids are a good idea! I'll have to check on demand as well. Or YouTube. I'm sure there's some there.