Direction and support?

iammosgirl Posts: 1 Member
So....It's been a VERY long time since I've been on this website. Two recent events have brought me back:

You know those health check-ins at the pharmacy? Where you can check your blood pressure and stuff? There's a new one at my pharmacy and I decided to check it out the other day while waiting for a prescription. The first thing it did was check my weight. I have gained about 25 lbs...290. That was quite a shock. I am almost 300 lbs.

I also went to some waterfalls last weekend with my wife and kids. We uploaded the pictures yesterday and....I was not impressed. I am bigger than I have ever been.

I've got to make a change. I don't know how, or what, but something has to change or I'm not going to be around much longer.

That said, I am here looking for some motivation and direction. Are there any groups or blogs that offer daily home workout ideas? Simple recipes? Could some ideas for both, as well as some friends that understand the struggle.


  • worstcaster
    worstcaster Posts: 217 Member
    The blog on this site can help you along with exercise and recipes as well. I've been walking for exercise. It's low impact so it doesn't beat your joints up too bad. Deciding what kind of exercise you want to do depends on what you enjoy. If your exercise routine feels like a chore it becomes had to maintain your motivation. is a site I use a lot for finding recipes. The recipes section of this site has some good ones and can also link you to outside sites. Your local library may have some good cook books as well.
  • arush18
    arush18 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi there ! I understand where you're coming from and I'm glad you decided it's time to make a change. I too had to admit to my self I have gained to much weight. My inspiration is the fact I want to live a healthier life and I'm young so I also want to live a long life and I can't do that being my size. I just started making a change so I know you can do it just think of how proud your family will be and how you will feel. Feel free to add me if you like for support ! As far as exercise goes walking around your neighborhood is a great way to start off. I also like to watch videos on YouTube. And here are some healthy recipes . Remember this is a life style change that you can handle. Good luck on your journey!