New Grad Nurse--needing some help!

I have decided that hospitals are one of the most unhealthy places to work at...they have tons of cookies and candy, deep fried everything, and no calories information really... Not to mention Nurses are one of the hardest people to work around and eat right. I just recently started working on Labor & Delivery ... I enjoy it a lot so far but the nurses eat horribly for the most part. I take my breakfast and lunch every day along with some healthy snacks...but there is always cookies or something laying around. We work on a feast or famine floor and lately it's been we start with a patient and then have some down time...which we spend in the lounge with the "goodies" ... And being there 12 hours makes it hard to know when to eat and what...and then you need a snack around 5 or so to make it home for dinner so that you don't eat the whole kitchen when you get there... I don't want to be one of those nurses and gains 20 or more pounds... Everyone says they are on a diet or need to be yet still eat horribly.

I just need to know that someone else feels my pain and that I can make this ... I need a routine, something to help me not eat all that stuff that is just laying around. I do increase my water intake while I am there... I try to have at least two bottles with me and then I might go buy another if I need to... I'm really trying... I've lost 10 pounds, I don't want to gain it back!!!!


  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    OMG, between patients and drug reps ... it's a wonder everyone isn't obese by the new year, haha.
  • melnedder
    melnedder Posts: 9 Member
    I'm a nurse, too, and I feel your pain! The best things I have found helpful are:

    Definitely bring your own breakfast/lunch/etc. Makes a huge difference, and it seems like you are already doing that and losing!

    Have something else to do in the break room or when you have down time - read your professional journals, or some gossip rags if you're not feeling intellectual! A lot of professional nursing organizations offer CEU's on their websites as well - if you have access to a computer, get your CEU's out of the way!

    The BEST thing to do is be the one who brings in the snacks!! Bring bags of microwave popcorn (we put ours out in clean bedpans - nurse humor!) or those bags of baby carrots and some low fat dip or hummus. People will eat what's there - so make them choose good snacks!

    Good luck to you! Welcome to nursing! :)
  • My600PdLife
    My600PdLife Posts: 57 Member
    I understand. I'm a nurse working in the same very high pace pediatrics office for the past 6 years. I don't know what a lunch break is. That's how I gained so much weight and didn't realize until now. Grabbing what you can to eat and getting right back to work doesn't work in our favor. As much as I move around and stand on my feet all day, running after screaming kids, you would think I'd be a size 1. The rushing to get in some food to call lunch followed me home. Eating out with my kids was one of my eye openers. My kids were amazed at how fast I'd finish my meal. And kids say the darnest things with innocence but it was the truth. I ate like it was a contest. Now I choose healthier meals when offered lunch by a drug rep. and I only eat half and drink plenty of water. I bring fresh fruit or raw veggies to work to snack on just in case I only have 10 minutes for lunch I can just skip out all together. I didn't realize how much weight I put on b/c my uniform stretched as I did. Bring your own food. Good luck.
  • andi93
    andi93 Posts: 13
    I find it easier to stay on track if i plan everything the night before- so i know exactly what i'll eat and a general time i'll eat it at. and then i drink lots of water. and eating while other people eat snacks helps me too, so i dont want theirs cuz i have my own but when they're eating food and i'm not, i tend to want some. hope all the advice from everyone helps! and maybe eating fruit for the snack rather than cookies is good since it still satisfies the sweet craving? good luck! and by the way, i graduated hs last year and did a very regimented diet - i had to watch everyone eat all the fun grad party foods while i brought my own salad or snacks....but i did it - strong mind! YOU CAN DO IT TOO!
  • rosemary10
    rosemary10 Posts: 253
    The only thing I can add is if the last shift leaves goodies put them in a drawer or cabinet somewhere. Or trash 'em and make some comment about "old food".