How often do people get weighed?

karrianne32 Posts: 51 Member
I am intending on weighing once a month this time. In the past I've had a bad relationship with the scales and would weigh dozens of times every day. We no longer have bathroom scales in the house so was planning on getting weighed at pharmacy when I pick up my daughter's medications each month!
Is this a plan to fail, or does anyone else do it and find it works?


  • misslettucey
    misslettucey Posts: 6 Member
    It seems like lots of people here weigh every day and then look at the trend over time, but like you I didn't want to get obsessed with the scales so I weigh once a week and it works for me. It:s great when you see quite a large drop in weight, very motivating. On the other hand after a whole week of hard work if the result isn't as good as you hope it can be quite demotivating. Weighing once a month could work well for you, after a month you should be able to see a good amount of loss on the scale, and you could do things like taking measurements to keep you motivated during the month too. But just be careful that not weighing often doesn't cause you to lose focus.
  • Keklepke
    Keklepke Posts: 34 Member
    I do it every day, I like to see my progress it motivates me. But if you don't want do it at least once a week.
  • BasicGreatGuy
    BasicGreatGuy Posts: 857 Member
    I weight myself a couple times a week, even though once a week should be sufficient for any of us.

    It all comes down to realizing that we didn't get where we are overnight, and we aren't going to get in shape overnight. We are in a lifelong marathon and we need to be patient with ourself and our body.

    Get rid of the stinkin' thinkin,' and it will help you achieve your goal(s).
  • MondayJune22nd2015
    MondayJune22nd2015 Posts: 876 Member
    edited July 2015
    I weigh myself, when there's an event (which is very often); that I expect will cause me to gain weight because of potentially consuming food, that's immeasurable. If I am making great progress, it helps me to focus on the current results rather than the food & thus I'll consume less, none at all or if it's something that I can take with me, I'll either share it with others or spread it over the next few days.
  • heyeyeya
    heyeyeya Posts: 16 Member
    Once a month I find to be enough. It can go up and down slightly with my cycle so I think it's easier that way.
  • niajones95
    niajones95 Posts: 59 Member
    I used to weigh myself every day, which I know isn't ideal but now that I rarely weigh myself, it was far better for me. Because I stopped weighing myself every day I found that if I did gain weight then I'd be too scared to weigh myself again, so without knowing my weight I just end up gaining more and more. When I weighed myself every day I got a rough idea on what was going on with my body and it stopped me from gaining too much because if I gained a bit then I knew that I needed to calm down on what I was eating. :)
  • MondayJune22nd2015
    MondayJune22nd2015 Posts: 876 Member
    heyeyeya wrote: »
    Once a month I find to be enough. It can go up and down slightly with my cycle so I think it's easier that way.

    My weight gain is about 5 Pounds then, so I just subtract that; from my total.
  • ernestmartin3
    ernestmartin3 Posts: 33 Member
    I used to weigh myself twice a day but if I didn't see at least a pound drop I would get upset. Now we have bathroom scales but they have no batteries in them. I get weighed every 3 months at the Dr's office. I go by how my clothes are fitting.
  • RisenRun
    RisenRun Posts: 12 Member
    I just started back up again, and I'm use to weighing in every day, but I'm only going to do it once a week. I had to hide my scale, as it has become a habit. Hopefully I won't go nuts waiting for the end of the week. Good luck.
  • CompM
    CompM Posts: 47 Member
    The scale is one of the first things I do every day. I'm still trying to find out how monthly hormones do to my weight loss, and I know that as soon as the first gulp of water or bite of food is taken, then whatever shows up on the scale is no longer accurate.

    I may relax the habit when my monthly trends become more apparent.
  • safricks
    safricks Posts: 2 Member
    How often you weigh yourself depends on your needs and goals. If you're comfortable and happy with your physique then a few times a year might be fine, however, if you're looking to lose weight and are keeping a food/weight diary then once a day at the same time of day (morning ideally) is the best option. Expect minor fluctuations of even a few pounds based on hydration level -particularly if you exercise heavily. Hope this helps and good luck!