Body Recomposition?

I'm a 18 yr old female, 55kg and 164cm. I'd been trying to lose weight to a goal weight of 50kg but I realized that I'd just been going after that number when I'm currently at a healthy weight (BMI 20).

I've decided to stop looking at the number and start to use measurements and physical changes.

I'd like some help to start off, so here are my questions (no need to answer all):

1) Should I eat my maintenance calories, below, or above? When I was trying to get to 50kg I just ate 1200-1400cals every day and I got down to 53kg but I always gained the weight back during the weekend when I didn't count.

2) I was thinking of doing Blogilates since I want lean, toned muscles- is this a step in the right direction or are there other ways to achieve that look? I don't have access to a gym.

3) Should I do just cardio, just strength training, or both? If so which one should I do more of?

4) How do I prevent bulking up? I know what you're gonna say- women can't bulk up like men do- but I've got muscular thighs that are big for my standards and have seen them increase in size in the past with lifting weights. Would pilates contribute to this?

5) Is it possible to do body recomposition with just diet and no exercise? I've lost weight to 50kg in the past with just diet but gained it all back.

Thanks so much! Your help is appreciated(:


  • ttttyyyy1
    ttttyyyy1 Posts: 7 Member
    Also, do you recommend that I burn off the fat first and then do strength training, or both at the same time?
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Body recomp happens when you eat at maintenance or slightly above and heavy weight lift. You need to add adequate protein (.8 grams per pound of bodyvweight) as well.

    You won't bulk up if you're female, and no you can't do it through diet alone. Cardio is for endurance and is not part of body recmp, but you can still do it as well if you want to.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I really don't look at re-comp as necessarily a deliberate act but rather the bi-product of eating well and rocking your fitness...the bi-product of good livin' is the rockin' body everyone wants...and it takes don't get a fitness body by working out for a handful of weeks or months get a fitness body by living a fitness centric lifestyle and solid nutrition.

    get away from the mindset of diet and exercise and start thinking eat and train.

    As a matter of general fitness you should be doing both cardio and resistance training...I also highly recommend following an established lifting program for best results...just willy nilly doing your own thing is most likely go to leave you spinning your wheels.