question about breakfast

Everything Ive read said to lose weight you should eat breakfast, to get your metabolism going, etc. Some days I love breakfast. But other days, I am just eating because I think i should. I will pick something pretty healthy, oatmeal, fruit and coffee, but I would have been just fine with coffee. What do you guys do to lose weight? Is it best to eat a healthy breakfast even if your really not that hungry? I guess it could make you eat less at lunch... gahh idk opinions please.... i just love coffee ;)


  • Eating breakfast is definitely a must if you want to lose weight. It jump starts your metabolism for the day and helps you to not eat so much later on in the day when your metabolism has slowed down.
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    I could never miss breakfast. I love breakfast way too much!!! As soon as I wake up, I cant wait to do my oats and tuck in.

    My body is hungry from not eating from the hours of being asleep. Its great to start the day with a full belly, then by lunch time you should be ready for lunch... dinner, your be ready for dinner etc!!!!

    Try mixing up breakfast

    Oatmeal with.... PB/FRUIT/CINAMMON
    Fruit with yoghurt
    Wholemeal bread with something on top
    Protein shakes/Smoothies
  • MizzEngelChen
    MizzEngelChen Posts: 71 Member
    I don't think you should force yourself to eat if you don't feel like it. Don't really believe in the whole "you have to eat breakfast to lose weight" dogma. Seen enough counterexamples. Not to forget the new trend of intermittent fasting, which basically tells you to skip breakfast (not much of a believer in that, either, but it works for some people). Different bodies work differently. I know people who can't look at food in the morning but doesn't mean they are fat. Then there are some (like myself) who need to eat or they're dying by late morning. If you don't feel hungry in the morning or are starving by the time you get lunch, then just have your coffee and be happy ;o)
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    Eating breakfast is definitely a must if you want to lose weight. It jump starts your metabolism for the day and helps you to not eat so much later on in the day when your metabolism has slowed down.

    This is 100% rubbish. It does not matter when you eat your calories, just that you do, in fact, eat them. Skip breakfast if you're not a breakfast person. It will make zero difference. Your metabolism does not need to be "jump started" in the morning or any other time unless you've done metabolic damage by eating too little for too long (months to years, not overnight).
  • notworthstalking
    notworthstalking Posts: 531 Member
    It's up to the individual . Most days I don't feel like much for breakfast. If I do have a big breakfast, I need time, I want to sit down and enjoy it. I however find if I don't have something to eat by about 9 am , I feel ill. So I try and carry a snack or have something small at home. Some people aren't hungry till later.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I never used to eat breakfast. I only eat it now because my thyroid medication makes me starving. Otherwise, I saved those calories and got to eat more late at night, when I really wanted them.
  • momzeeee
    momzeeee Posts: 475 Member

    Yep to this-meal frequency does not matter and in no way does eating earlier in the day 'jump start metabolism'. Personally, I do 8:16 IF and break my fast at 11am. Works for me, since I'm not hungry in the morning. Just eat when you're hungry :)
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    Eating breakfast is definitely a must if you want to lose weight. It jump starts your metabolism for the day and helps you to not eat so much later on in the day when your metabolism has slowed down.

    No. The above is false.

    Breakfast doesn't start your metabolism.

    OP, eat when you are hungry. Meal timing will not affect weight loss.