Beginner, intermediate or expert it don't matter as long as you got a goal and your active on mfp :)

hi folks I'm a recently returned mfp member and all my mfp friends (apart from one awesome one) are no longer active so would appreciate adds by any active members to help hold me accountable and I will do what I can to do the same for you. Mfp was where it all started for me and was life changing, as I learnt a better understanding of foods and portion control I carried on without tracking hense my disappearance. I have been struggling to keep my weight down this year so I'm back to tracking to help hold me accountable. I'm about to embark on an 8 week cutting program I selected from and am excited to get my teeth back into it. I mostly do weight training and running and enjoy partaking in ocr's sometimes serious and sometimes just for fun but I like to challenge myself. If your a beginner I would love to try to inspire and offer advice that helped me, if your intermediate maybe we can help inspire each other and push each other and if your an expert maybe help me when I stray my only request is your an active/chatty member. If you are please add me and introduce yourself :)