Cant lose because of the weekend.



  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    mbanks123 wrote:
    I always do so well during the week and slowly lose weight but then it comes to the weekend
    and I have a couple bad moods meals putting me back to where I was the previous Monday! What can I do?
    See a therapist to get your moods under control?
    Get written up in a medical journal for gaining weight from mood changes, not eating too much?
    (Yes, I saw your later post that you'd made a typo... but this is funnier.)

    I like the idea of looking at calories for the week in this case.
    But you still have to be in control. You can't eat 1200 M-F and 4000 on weekends and expect to lose weight if
    your goal for the week is 10,500 (which would be 1500 every day) ... you'd actually gain 1 lb per week that way.

    But if you aimed for 1400 M-F (7000 total) that would leave 1750 for weekend days, which would feel like a big increase.
    1300 M-F would leave you 2000 for weekend days.

    Also, write your weight on the calendar every day (or week, if you weigh weekly) so you can easily look back
    and see how far you've come. Look over the last month. Are you losing? Then you're doing it right.

    I know it's an excuse and I should just commit. I've normally got a lot of will power but weekends are so
    difficult because of nights out, hangover meals and friends wanting to meet up for dinner.
    Make better choices - drink less alcohol (fewer calories), which would also contribute to not eating while
    drunk (again, fewer calories & probably better choices), and either make good choices when you're eating
    with friends or suggest a non-food meetup.
    Get coffee (or whatever) and take it with as you all walk through the park or along the river.

    Willpower will fail. Set yourself up so that when that happens, the results aren't as bad.
    Give yourself more of a cushion by eating a little less during the week.
    Plan to drink less alcohol when you go out.
    Plan to make better food choices; if you have a normal hangout after you've been clubbing, find something on
    the menu that's more healthy.

    Remind yourself what you've accomplished so far. Take a screenshot or photo of your ticker, with the little gal
    running toward your goal. When you're tempted to binge, look at it & ask "is this binge worth the setback?".

    It all comes down to calories in < calories out, and only you can control those.

  • beemerphile1
    beemerphile1 Posts: 1,710 Member
    Stop overeating and stop making excuses like, "The weekend made me do it!"

    If you want it bad enough, you will stop the overeating.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    mbanks123 wrote: »
    Thank you so much everyone :) you've been really helpful! I meant to write bad meals, not bad moods! I'm a very cheery person.. Honest :)

    I know it's an excuse and I should just commit. I've normally got a lot of will power but weekends are so difficult because of nights out, hangover meals and friends wanting to meet up for dinner.

    I'm determined not to give in this weekend and i definitely think I will start looking at my calories for the week rather than each day. Starting my week on a Thursday/Friday is also a brilliant idea.

    Thanks again everyone. So lovely how supporting you all are! Feel free to add me as well :)

    I think of it this way ... if I want to eat something higher in calories, I've got to work for it first.

    So on Saturday, my husband and I cycled 42 km up some decent hills in back of our place. When we came home, we had homemade tacos.

    On Sunday, my husband and I cycled 27 km. When we came home, we had pizza.

    This method has worked well for me so far. :)

    And I prelog. On Friday, I enter the calories for the tacos and pizza so that I know how much work I have to do to afford them.

    Ya, my fiance and I had pizza last night, but I'd been swimming and gardening earlier. Also, we had a big salad with the pizza, and of the 8 pieces, I only had 3, instead of our former 4:4 split. Additionally, I added veggies to the salad and used homemade tzatziki sauce instead of regular dressing. All these little choices add up to me being able to indulge in pizza while remaining in a calorie deficit.

  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    the weekend doesn't stop your weight loss, eating too much does.

    OP, curious why would being in a bad mood cause over eating?
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    Bad "moods" was a typo. She meant "meals."
  • apennock
    apennock Posts: 49 Member
    Shifting calories around to hit a weekly goal is smart. Right now I've been doing enough activity on the weekends to balance my increased intake, but that might be an idea that gets used when winter rolls around and moving around outside isn't really as much of an option. Brilliant!