support please-- i NEED to do this for real this time

khartman353 Posts: 8
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hey everyone! I’m Katie and I could really use some support right now. I’ve struggled with my weight my whole life. My mom and I constantly fight about my weight, my eating habits, and my lack of exercise. I really do want to change, but my self esteem is so shot I just don’t have any motivation or will power to put my wants & desires into action. I’m not sure exactly what I’m looking for, but I just need people to hold me accountable to this. I will give you my cell number, email, anything… I just need help. I need to do this thing for real this time. I’m afraid every day I don’t, I’m cutting my life drastically short.
Much love,


  • Katie, I am adding you as a friend. I will help to hold you accountable if you would like. What ever you think you need.
  • bonniejoy
    bonniejoy Posts: 9 Member
    Hey : )

    I feel the same way!! I feel as if I can get active (sweating) for at least a half an hour and just watch my portions, I can do it : ) You can do it too. I know, easier said than done. Keep going for it!

    Good Luck : )
    Bonnie Joy
  • MammaEllis
    MammaEllis Posts: 59
    Hi there! Im going to friend request you right now!!! I get it. We need to be supported and guided. I am excited about loosing weight and I want to spread that feeling to you. Skinny is a state of mind girl... lets get you thinking right!!!! :wink:

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • antiadipose
    antiadipose Posts: 447
    best of luck!!!!!
  • hp25
    hp25 Posts: 27
    Hi Katie! I am going to add you as a friend and maybe we can encourage each other :)
  • leppad
    leppad Posts: 1
    Katie, the first thing you have to realize is that your decision to lose weight and begin a healthy lifestyle is a decision that will pretty much take the rest of your life. Sure, you can set mini goals along the way, but the bottom line is that you are making a permanent change in your lifestyle. It's a "for the rest of your life type thing". Once you can accept and believe that, then it is easier to accept the inevitable setbacks, and enjoy the inevitable victories as well. People like you and me always have set backs and have to start from scratch over and over again - but you will find that starting over gets easier, and you will eventually find yourself starting over from a much more healthy and fit position than you have ever done before.

    Every time you fail, say to yourself that you will just try again starting now, rather than dwelling on the failure and blaming yourself. Instead, learn to identify every little success in your strategy, and tackle very tiny mini goals each time. One day, you will find that all those mini goals have added up to something really big, much to your surprise.

    For this reason it is very important to keep a diary, spreadsheet, or some sort of log of your efforts, failures, and successes. There is simply no other way to prove to yourself that yes, you have come a long way, and yes, you can go back and see all the mistakes you've made.

    In short, make it a lifetime permanent change in your lifestyle and attitudes, and keep a good record of your daily and weekly progress including setbacks and successes.
  • bbruske
    bbruske Posts: 8 Member
    Katie, I understand and have had the same situation with my mother! I am going to friend and we can help each other!
  • diet45
    diet45 Posts: 392 Member
    Hi Katie,

    I just started again on my weight loss/get healthy plan. This is the third year I have tried to restart with myfitnesspal. I'm nine pounds heavier than the same time last summer. My problem, I start losing weight, then I keep losing weight, my clothes are all loose and all fit, then I quit weighing myself each week. I just gain the weight back. I'm really tired of being over weight. I have four kids and need to stay healthy for them. So lets encourage each other...I'm in!!!::happy:
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