Hello! Lost 50 lbs, and in the process of losing 10 more, and then hopefully maintaining :)

Hi! I'm Terra. I made an account here a couple years ago, but then never really did anything with it. A friend recently told me about this site so I came to make a new account, and realized I already had one. So here I am :)

I had my son 2 and a half years ago, and was stuck being 60 lbs over weight. In the past four months, I lost 50 lbs, just by eating healthier and exercising. I'm mostly happy with where I am at right now, but I have gained five pounds just from indulging a bit this summer with friends and family. But now I'm ready to get a little strict again to lose the last bit, and then once I get back in my 130's, I think I'll be happy maintaining there.


  • Pablo1021
    Pablo1021 Posts: 3 Member
    That's awesome Terra. Keep up the great work. I decided over the weekend I was going to lose 50 myself and that I was going to journal my food intake which is a major chore for me. What was the most important thing you did that contributed to your weight loss?
  • TerraRoberts24
    TerraRoberts24 Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks, Pablo! I'd say having a food journal is HUGE! I did that and I actually did a video blog on youtube each week showing how much I ate and what I did for exercise and it really helped me stay accountable with myself. Not sure if I'm supposed to post links here or not since I'm new to this website, but my channel there is "caughtinthesnowstorm" and I basically posted video blogs every week until I got to my goal.
  • TerraRoberts24
    TerraRoberts24 Posts: 34 Member
    Oh and best of luck on your weight loss journey! You got this! :D