any success stories 5'4 female with around 70-80 pounds to lose, calorie counting?



  • victoria_1024
    victoria_1024 Posts: 915 Member
    Oh forgot to add that I weigh everything to make sure I'm not overeating.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    edited July 2015
    taty914 wrote: »
    I don't get it (?)!!? I'm currently 230( lost 10 pounds last month and half since I started) I about 1500-1700 cal sometimes even less no sweets
    No bread mainly no carbs mainly protein and tons of veggies, ( even cut out some fruits) Ibsen walking an average of 6-8 miles a day . Why can't I loose the weight ???whT am
    I doing wrong

    Are you weighing your food?
    Do you use things from the database that are labelled "generic" or "homemade"?

    Edit: I completely missed the part where you said you lost 10lbs in a month and a half. That's what 6 weeks. You are doing fine. There is nothing wrong with that rate of loss.
    To the OP: I'm 5'4.5" and I've actually lost a bit more than your range. I still eat chocolate, pasta, pizza and fast food (along with other healthier choices of course). Good luck to you. :flowerforyou:
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    edited July 2015
    Yes it is possible by only weighing all your food and a food scale and counting/logging and keeping your deficit.

    5.5" here and lost 101 pounds in 8.5 months and didn't cut anything out except for salt ( medical reason)
  • allyphoe
    allyphoe Posts: 618 Member
    I don't get it (?)!!? I'm currently 230( lost 10 pounds last month and half since I started) I about 1500-1700 cal sometimes even less no sweets
    No bread mainly no carbs mainly protein and tons of veggies, ( even cut out some fruits) Ibsen walking an average of 6-8 miles a day . Why can't I loose the weight ?

    You've lost 10 pounds in a month and a half. You're losing the weight. Keep on keeping on.

    OP, I'm 5'4" and lost 75 pounds at an average 1.5 pounds a week about 7 years ago, just calorie counting by eyeball, no food scale, no exercise (because I hate exercise and it makes me ravenously hungry). I ate pretty much whatever I wanted, although I made efforts to get about 100g of protein every day.

    I ended up going too low, too fast, and was wildly unsuccessful at transitioning to maintenance due to disordered eating. So here I am again! I'm down about 35 pounds over the past year, with 15 more to go. I intentionally have a small deficit in hopes I'll do better this time.
  • Bukawww
    Bukawww Posts: 159 Member
    I've lost 55b since christmas by doing just that (I'm 5'4.75" lol). Intermittent fasting helps as well.
  • manmitkr2015
    manmitkr2015 Posts: 4 Member
    Yes it is possible by only weighing all your food and a food scale and counting/logging and keeping your deficit.

    5.5" here and lost 101 pounds in 8.5 months and didn't cut anything out except for salt ( medical reason)

    What did you do to lose 101 pounds please? What about those months when no weight reduction happens how does one combat that?
  • allaboutthefood
    allaboutthefood Posts: 781 Member
    I am 5'5" and I have over 100 to lose, I have already lost 48 lbs in 150 days. I count my calories and move a lot more, I walk, dance, do low impact workouts at home. NO gym for me or "special diet" I do watch my carbs I try to keep them between 100 and 150 so that is not to low. I love food, all kinds of food and I LOVE FRESH foods, all kinds of veggies my favorite way to make them is to grill them on the BBQ. I also swapped out my beef for ground turkey or chicken. I also stopped drinking my calories and no more fast food for me (that took a while) You can still eat what you want, just keep it within your deficit and you should be fine. I also watch my sodium I bloat up if my intake is to high and that affects what the scale says. The only reason why I cut out most junk/fast food/soda etc, cause I don't only want to lose weight I also want to be healthy. I wish you much success on you journey
  • ForeverSunshine09
    ForeverSunshine09 Posts: 966 Member
    My original goal as of the first week in February was to lose 50-60 lbs. I am currently at 36.2 lbs lost and that is with A month where my weight did not budge even .1 of a lb. I had lost my appetite then was in the hospital for a few days and then my appetite came back and I let it take over 2 weeks just so I knew I could eat over 600 cals again. That was my month of June. I started back July 1st and it has been slow going but, I am back into logging just now slowly moving my cals back into a deficit. I am at a healthy weight for 5'4 at 133 lbs so I know the next part isn't going to be super easy but, I an sticking with it and that has made all the difference.
  • NikiChicken
    NikiChicken Posts: 576 Member
    I'm 5'4" and I've lost 95 pounds so far. I count calories. I eat all my favorite foods - just not all at once any more! I sometimes exercise, sometimes don't. I enjoy hiking and biking, but not the gym. I just now plan for the higher calorie foods and regulate the portion instead of eating mindlessly.
  • bhanvi
    bhanvi Posts: 133 Member
    i went from 215 to 150 eating what i want. having vacations, and exercising about 20 minutes a day. but lets be honest, going that route is a slow one. it has taken me years to get here. but thats ok because it is something i can maintain for life! i feel great and ive never been deprived. and yes im 5'4
    Congratulations girl :) May I ask you how many years did it take you?

  • taty914
    taty914 Posts: 6 Member
    It's just that I have some goals and reachable ones like loose 1.5 to 2 pounds a week or so give or take. I understand weight loss it's no linear but still disappointed I've been so unhealthy for so long , now I'm doing things by the "t" And usually heavy ppl like me loose weight at a faster pace in beginning ... Sorry maybe u just needed to vent.
  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    the first 50lbs took me 10 months. then i maintained that for two years. this last april i decided i wanted to get lower and have lost another 15lbs since. ive got 10lbs left to my goal!
  • LovingLife_Erin
    LovingLife_Erin Posts: 328 Member
    I'm 5'4 and have lost about 85 lbs so far (about 50-60 more to go. I've done it simply by watching calories and making sure my calories in is less than my calories out (exercise has helped increase calories out so I can eat more too).

    I eat a bit of chocolate, or another type of treat, every day! It's great as I don't feel like I'm dieting. I think of my calories like a budget. If I want to spend more, I work out, and then I can eat more. Otherwise, I have to stay within my budget. It's simple, and it works.
  • klmnumbers
    klmnumbers Posts: 213 Member
    I'm just over 5'4", and have lost just over 50 lbs so far doing exactly what you're talking about. I eat pretty much exactly the same food that I did before, but I weigh it to make sure I am not overindulging.

  • taty914
    taty914 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm also 5'4 and need to loose 50p. Anyone here In the same boat, want to add me on fb? I can't seem to figure the adding a friend in mfp( I just started a little less than a week)
  • sprice20152015
    sprice20152015 Posts: 17 Member
    edited July 2015
    I started at 229 (in April) and now down to 216 pounds by basically eating "healthy" for breakfast and lunch, then i use the rest of the calories I have left for the day to eat what I want but within my calorie goal for the day. I also workout 4-5 days a week. It does seem unreal that you can eat what you want and lose weight, but it seems to work. If I decide I want something "unhealthy" for breakfast or lunch i eat it. All and all I think it's safe to say the key is to always make sure you burn more than you eat. I'm really not much of a snacker but I try to eat every three hours so I eat something like graham crackers (2 sheets is only 130 cal and helps with my sweet tooth) for my morning snack and egg whites for my afternoon snack after I work out. I also drink lots and lots of water! I don't really know how much but I drink it constantly all day.
    I recently purchased a fitbit and it has definitely helped me determine what im burning and thanks to MFP I know how much I'm eating. I hope my plan continues to work, so far so good! Hope this helps