80lbs lost, 80lbs gained, 80lbs lost, 80lbs gained...

I spent my childhood obese. I lost 80 pounds at 19. I struggled to keep it off for a few years but ultimately gained it all back. I lost 80 pounds again at 26 and continued to struggle. I gained and lost and gained and lost... If I wasn't dieting, calorie counting and exercising regularly, I was gaining.

I recently started a VLOG to talk about my successes and, ultimately, my failures with many different diets and "lifestyles". My most recent VLOG discusses 14 years of dieting hell, ups and downs.

I started this VLOG at a point where I think I found an actual lifestyle that is sustainable and will let me just eat and just live and not struggle anymore. Whether or not I succeed or fail, and what I'm doing, will be out in the open for all to see. Yikes! But I'm putting it all out there to help myself and help others. Sharing is caring, right? :p

If you chose to watch, thank you for your time. It is much appreciated!

~ Krystal.



  • kittykaida
    kittykaida Posts: 12 Member
    Ah, I feel like could have been me making that post & video.. I wish you the best of luck, let's get through this together and stop yo-yo-ing!