Waking up early to exercise!??! HOWWW!?



  • ScubaSteve1962
    ScubaSteve1962 Posts: 609 Member
    If that 100 degrees won't motivate you, what will (LOL)
    I agree with a lot of you- I'm so NOT a morning person.. Id like to be, especially as it's getting to 100 degrees mid-afternoon in California!!! ):

  • mhdashler
    mhdashler Posts: 103 Member
    I was not a morning person either, but with the heat and my stress level at work, the morning is the best chance I have of actually working out. If I say I will go after work, there always seems to be something more pressing. I'll either end up working late, or I can't pull away from my kids.

    I really like the idea that someone said about setting an alarm across the room so that you have to get up and turn it off. If that doesn't work for you, set two or three alarms. I used to do that; one beside the bed, one across the room, and one in the bathroom. I left my workout clothes in the bathroom and since I forced myself to walk there, I might as well get dressed and go. Now, it is second nature. I get up every morning at 5:15, I'm running by 6:00, done by 7:00, and then to work by 8:00.
  • AmyJoShanks
    AmyJoShanks Posts: 40 Member
    I was SO not a morning person either - the thought of getting up early actually made me angry! But when we got a dog and I all of a sudden had to think about him rather than myself, I smartened up and just started doing it. We now walk or run 45mins every morning and it really helps me stay energized and make good choices for the rest of the day.
    someone else said it takes 21 days to develop a new habit and I 100% agree - give it 3 weeks and see how you make out.
    And yes, definitely go to bed earlier
    Good luck :)
  • jesoverley
    jesoverley Posts: 25 Member
    I switched to working out in the mornings a few years ago. It was a tough transition at first, but now I love getting up and running before going into the office (everything is so quiet in the morning! I love it!) Part of my issue was my nutrition the night before. If you wake up sluggish, or what not... it is harder to get up. I try to have a healthy snack with protein about 8pm, and that really helps me the next morning. ALSO... HYDRATE in the evening... seriously. That helps too!
  • demoiselle2014
    demoiselle2014 Posts: 474 Member
    It won't help the first few mornings, but while doing C25K I discovered to my great pleasure that as I got more fit, I started waking up earlier and earlier.

    It helped that when I woke up early on non running days, I still went for a walk first thing. Doing cardio has really improved my sleep patterns.
  • demoiselle2014
    demoiselle2014 Posts: 474 Member
    edited July 2015
    iGotThis27 wrote: »
    #1 get sleep! It takes 21 days for something to become a habit. So Give it 21 days, a small goal to just wake up and get up, even if you just start with doing 10 min of yoga / stretching, The more waking up becomes the norm, the more intense your workouts will become... try not to go from zero to 100 overnight and just let your body ease into it. I'm on day 3.. hope this helps!

    21 days help, but it really takes much longer than that to firmly establish a new habit. Think more in the line of months, especially if you are replacing an old bad habit.
  • Evoluer
    Evoluer Posts: 222 Member
    You don't think about it... you just do it. Seriously, when you wake your mind is not engaged. Leave it that way and head to the gym. Once it's a habit - it's smooth sailing!
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    My #1 way to deal with it is to accept I'm not a morning person and go running after work instead.
  • Kenda2427
    Kenda2427 Posts: 1,592 Member
    I try to go for a quick run in the morning, so alarm at 4:45 up and out by 5. That's when I prefer to go, I am useless in the evening. My biggest problem is in the summer it is light out for so long I am much later getting to bed and then I am exhausted. I have slipped out of my routine the last few weeks and now its time to get back into it. I did it yesterday morning but this morning I didn't and I feel *kitten* when I miss it. Its a great start to the day.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    edited July 2015
    A recent addition to Hello Healthy that repeats the comments of many above.
    Hope all of the comments posted by the MFP Rat Pack help you.

    Also as someone with only 11 posts it tells me that you are a newer user and my common posting to help the newbies on this journey is I suggest some good reads.
    At the Top of each Message Board Group.( example)
    You will find a heading called Most Helpful Posts.
    I recommend that you take your time and read through these pinned posts as a starting point.
    One of my favorite that helped me was
  • Bizurke51
    Bizurke51 Posts: 190 Member
    wear gym clothes to bed or lay them out
    set your alarm
    go to bed on time
    *get preworkout breakfest ready the night before if needed.

    A great preworkout morning boost is a coffee protein shake. Take a cup of cold coffee, a cup of milk and a scoop of protein powder. Throw em all into a shaker, shake and enjoy.
  • DStroyNKonker
    DStroyNKonker Posts: 19 Member
    I get my clothes and gear ready every night before bed. My running shoes and pup's leash are waiting for me at the door. I'm usually about 1km into my run before I'm truly "awake" but over the months it has become routine. It starts with a choice, every damn day. Either you want it or you don't. I feel less stress at work and feel like I have more time to have fun with the family in the evenings.
  • kimberliekay330
    kimberliekay330 Posts: 7 Member
    edited July 2015
    I didn't want to at first, but one morning I made myself and really liked it. So, I ended up going to bed earlier so I could get up earlier and just kept at it and it became easy, because I liked it... and I was more tired at the end of the day vs the morning when I went to the gym, and then slacked off more. I don't anymore since I've been going in the mornings.
  • DuckReconMajor
    DuckReconMajor Posts: 434 Member
    I've always been a morning person, but if I wasn't I wouldn't try to do things before work/school. Easier said than done though I guess.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I prefer to hit the gym after work...it's a good way to put the stresses of the day away. I don't do mornings unless I have to.
  • ffbrown25
    ffbrown25 Posts: 110 Member
    Been struggling to wake up and go running before work ): any tips or tricks!? :)

    Let's motivate each other! :) please feel free to add! xx

    Go to sleep between 10-11 the night before, put your alarm on the other side of the room, set THREE alarms, drink coffee immediately (I drink a cup before my run--I know this is bad--I also drink a glass of water). Think about how hot it will be later
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    This might sound silly, but it really, really works. When you go to bed, in your mind, keep telling yourself that you will be getting up early to exercise. Just keep thinking that over and over until you go to sleep. Then, when you wake up, just DO it! I much prefer getting exercise over with in the morning; invigorates me for the rest of the day.
  • Sommerrae82
    Sommerrae82 Posts: 4 Member
    I thought I was a night owl too but my gym is always so busy so I tried getting up early one day. The whole vibe of the gym was less stressful and less busy! I get up around 4:45 to make sure I have plenty of time (I work at 8). I find that I have more energy during my day, I'm in a better mood and I have the night free to chill. I make sure to get at least 7 hrs of sleep! Now, my tricks for staying in this routine do depend on supplements. ON amino energy (you can get it on Amazon, gnc or Vitamin Shoppe) to get myself going in the morning (in place is coffee, less calories!) and melatonin at night if I can't fall asleep when I need to. Good luck!
  • kiela64
    kiela64 Posts: 1,447 Member
    I'm not a morning person at all, but I've been having so much trouble motivating myself later in the day that I'm thinking of trying this. Getting to bed before midnight, now there's the challenge!