Broken ankle and weight gain....anyone been there?



  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Never had a break, but I did have ankle surgery last year. I think I was about 4 weeks nonweight baring, then a walking boot. I think after two months I was able to start upper body lifting (yep I was at the gym with my boot and crutches) then eventually swimming and then stationary bike. I was over 4 months before I was able to start running. I gained about 7lbs.
    The key really is making sure your nutrition is right on point. I was fine during the weeks that I was home. But then once I went back to work, the stress started creeping up. And then I fell back into old habits with stress eating. It was tough and I'm still trying to lose those last few pounds that I gained.
  • margf
    margf Posts: 29 Member
    Well, I had a really bad weekend! Our front door was more like a revolving door and everyone who came through it brought food! I find I have a little and then I just get carried away! I started again today! At the moment, my clothes still fit after five weeks with no weight bearing........but I am very worried about my first weigh- in after the next 21 days!'s hoping!!!
  • margf
    margf Posts: 29 Member
    I weighed myself with the cam boot on! (and my clothes) I'm not sure how accurate it was but I haven't gained as much as I thought! Could it be true?...admittedly all my weight as on my right side but I was completely on the scales...I am very surprised!
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    I've been thinking about you a lot recently. From a fellow tibia and fibula break girl, I feel your pain. Just take it day by day. It's been 10 months since my surgery and I still have stiffness, but I am jogging again! I never thought I'd get there, but I did and so can you. Make healthy food choices and take all the help you can get.
  • margf
    margf Posts: 29 Member
    I have only 5 days now until I can actually put eight on my foot! I'm so excited! I guess it will be difficult to begin with but at least I will be able to get around a bit more. I was doing ok with my weight I think but over the last few days I guess I'm getting really frustrated and I'm going back to old habits....I'm starting and stopping every day!
    So thank you busy PK! You have stirred me up again and I will make better choices from here on...even 5 days can make a difference!
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    Your 5 days are up! How is it putting weight on that foot?
  • margf
    margf Posts: 29 Member
    Hi there! Well I am vertical...sort of! I still need at least one crutch...the pain is not too bad but it is there! Today I drove and took myself out for lunch with my sister. It was wonderful! My weight hasn't really changed which I find amazing. I'm trying very hard to drop some weight to help with the healing process. Thanks for the care!
  • Pinkranger626
    Pinkranger626 Posts: 460 Member
    I've never broken my leg, but I was sidelines with gluteal tendinopathy last year. I had been working out a lot and was able to consume more calories because of it. I gained a bit of weight back while I was sidelined for 8 weeks since I was still eating like I was training. My suggestion: find out your TDEE using the sedentary activity level and stay to that calorie count (either maintenance or weight loss) and you should be fine
  • margf
    margf Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks for the good advice...I'm having more trouble cutting calories now I'm mobile! So far my weight has remained stable. I'm up and moving but frustrated at my lack of ability to get back to normal. Still have a boot and a crutch! I'm back to tracking after a short lapse...I think that helps...back to my nutritionist next week....hope that helps too!
  • jlvaughnjr
    jlvaughnjr Posts: 1 Member
    I broke my ankle back in March. 3 fractures and some crushing. Surgery on April Fool's day. 13 screws and a couple plates to put me back together again. Weight stayed about the same through non weight bearing period of recovery. After the cast came off I was shocked at the gelatinous thing above my right ankle. Anyway, I have worked hard to recover muscle lost all around and have gained a bit more (muscle) in upper body. I'm discovering though my weight has increased about 20 lbs. Activity level is set to 'Not Very Active' since I am still not back to work and usually have plenty of calories left daily. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.