scared of losing weight?!



  • NadineSabbagh
    NadineSabbagh Posts: 142 Member
    Thank you for all your responses! It's nice to know I'm not the only one who is a little scared of what the future holds!

    A lot of you have touched on a few points that really hit a chord with me. Someone mentioned that change is scary - and I think that may be my main problem. I'm definitely a creature of habit, so any form of change is daunting to me! And a huge change like losing 100+ lbs is bound to frighten me a little! (in a good way though, I guess!) I just don't know how to be thin? Haha, I'm so used to being fat... I wonder what thin and healthy feels like?! It's probably one of the biggest changes I can make, so it's scary for someone like me who doesn't adapt well to change!

    The other thing is what do I do once I've lost the weight?! That worries me. My whole life has been a weightloss journey... I don't know what it's like to not be trying to lose weight! What do I do when I'm thin?! What will I have that I can obsess about every day?! Haha, I realise that's a bit extreme.. but it's still a worry for me. I don't know how to live a normal, non-overweight life!! :P I know when I've lost the weight I can keep setting myself other goals though - to tone up, fitness goals etc, things I've wanted to do that I couldn't necessarily do when I was overweight..

    I don't know what's so different about THIS time, I don't know what it is that is making me think that THIS is the time when I'm going to lose all the weight... all I know is that it's definitely going to happen, regardless of whether the thought frightens me or not! :)

    Good luck to everyone with your own goals! :)
  • lkw0311
    lkw0311 Posts: 43 Member
    I'm scared to lose and scared NOT to lose.. I feel like I'm just stuck in limbo.
    Saw a picture of myself today and was so totally disgusted.. feeling a little hopeless.
  • NadineSabbagh
    NadineSabbagh Posts: 142 Member
    I'm scared to lose and scared NOT to lose.. I feel like I'm just stuck in limbo.
    Saw a picture of myself today and was so totally disgusted.. feeling a little hopeless.

    You need to use those negative feelings to your advantage! Every time you feel like giving up just remind yourself of how you felt when you saw that picture of yourself. Hopefully that will spur you on to reach your goals! Every time I feel like giving up, or stuffing my face, I sit there for a minute, compose myself, then I whip out my 'before' picture and look at it for a while. It makes me feel upset and ashamed of what I did to myself. It gives me the determination I need to say 'I'm NEVER going to go back to that'. Then I look at pictures of myself when I'm slimmer and I remind myself what I'm working towards. Sometimes it's hard to keep sight of what you're working for, especially when you've a lot of weight to lose. So constant visual reminders can be a great help.

    Just think, if you keep going then you will be one day closer to your goal, a new you, someone who is happy with themselves. If you give up then you are only prolonging the time that you are going to feel disgusted with yourself and unhappy.

    I wish you all the best, you can do this!! If you need any support feel free to add me as a friend and I will do all I can to motivate :)