Eating before running



  • Fizzgig168
    Fizzgig168 Posts: 400 Member
    Personally, I've found that every single time I run with anything at all in my stomach, I get cramps about 2 miles in. Obviously, this means that for me, if I'm running in the morning I do it on a totally empty stomach (and if I'm running in the afternoon or at night I make sure it's been at least 3 hours since I last ate). I do however, make sure that I have a power bar or a protein shake or something readily available to munch/sip on while I cool down and stretch. From what I've read (and experienced) it's post-workout fuel that's the most important. So keeping that in mind, just do whatever works and feels best for you :smile:
  • arussell134
    arussell134 Posts: 463 Member
    I do best with something like a small bowl of oatmeal or cereal and a cup of coffee about an hour + before. After my run, I like to eat something with protein within an hour. This works well for me, but everyone's different.