Need motivation and support please!

I have used My Fitness Pal before and quit because I felt I was taking in to many calories. I have gained several pounds and I need help, advice and support. I am 58 and a lot of health issues, married to a very supportive husband. I am not happy when I look at myself in the mirror, and I get so disgusted with myself. Is it really true that you should take in the calories required here to lose weight. Please help I could use some accountability friends.


  • msEEden
    msEEden Posts: 3
    Its not necessarily true that you need all that MFP tells you, i know I dont for sure! My metabolism is pretty slow so though it tells me i need about 1900 I normally never exceed 1400 and often eat less. Thats just me! You should never force yourself to eat- this is bad, so eat what you feel comfortable eating! A visit to the doctor would help if you dont mind some tests to see a diet that would suit you because not everyone burns calories at the same rate, especially for middle aged and older people. I had a very skinny friend who needed 3000 calories a day to maintain because her metabolism was crazy, it all depends on the individual.