Feel like I'm falling short.....help

shook2210 Posts: 13 Member
Hi all. I've been logging intake and exercise. I sure could use a motivator for exercising. I'm so disappointed by what the app shows as the calories burned by walking for a seemingly long time. Calories in must be less than calories burned daily on exercise in order to lose weight, right? I feel lile I'm eating healthy. How am I supposed to burn 1200 + calories a day?? I am not a runner; let my just say that.


  • YesVictor
    YesVictor Posts: 5 Member
    To be honest, I just hate exercising. I'm doing a 1200 cal max a day week now and see if my motivation to 'move' picks up after that. Great job on the walking. Maybe just don't focus on how much cals you burned by walking but just think about it's just better for your body to walk. I will start next week with walking too, I hate running. Good luck.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    You don't need to burn 1200 from exercise. Your body burns a lot of calories just by living. Try using this calorie calulator to help you understand how many calories your body actually needs:

  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    edited July 2015
    I may be misunderstanding you, but you don't have to burn 1200 calories per day in exercise. You burn calories through the day just by living. Exercise calories burned are just a bonus. Let's assume you burn 1500 calories per day just by living (that could be way off, just work with me here ;) ). If you eat 1400 calories per day, you are then creating a calorie deficit and will lose weight. If you burn 1500 calories per day just by living, then burn 300 calories per day through exercise, you have now burned a total of 1800 calories for the day. You can either create a bigger deficit by continuing to eat 1400 calories, or you can eat a few more calories (say 1600) and have your deficit be smaller.

    I would suggest you Google scoobysworkshop.com, and use the TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) calculator to determine how many calories you use in a day. This will give you a starting point.

    ETA: @KarenJanine beat me to it. LOL
  • shook2210
    shook2210 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks for your messages and for clarification!! I wasn't even thinking about the calories I burn daily just by living.