Would you toss your scale and just go by measurements?

This is a stream of consciousness, so just bear with me.

I "hid" my scale and took body measurements. But after several weeks of behaving myself in preparation for new measurements, I happen to have a doctor's appointment where they needed to take my weight. NO CHANGE!


So demotivating, because up to that point I was feeling pretty good about myself. I had cut WAY back on drinking. Made it to the gym at least 4 days a week ( more exercise than I'd seen in years) and was actually paying attention and tracking what I put in my face hole.

I walked away feeling like none of it mattered. Then, snapped out of it and started again.

But in the back of my mind, my scale is calling out to me, "keep me in the bathroom and there will be no more surprises..."

I keep telling myself, I don't want to be a slave to the scale. I just want to FEEL better. But in reality I WAS feeling better, until the doctor's scale slapped me in the face.

AHHHHHH What to do.

I get re-measured next weekend and I feel like it's pointless.


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I've lost 1% BF while maintaining the same scale weight. The scale only tells part of the story. For me, it comes down to water..I workout hard and lift hard and heavy so I retain a lot of water for repair of muscle. That water easily masks fat loss. When I take a full week of rest, I drop about 5 Lbs on the scale over the course of that week...all water. I'm only at a 1/2 Lb per week loss rate, so water easily masks fat loss. All I really care about is inches and BF%...this is what people see, not arbitrary numbers on a scale.
  • SonyaCele
    SonyaCele Posts: 2,841 Member
    measure your success by the weeks that go by that you stay on a healthy eating plan and some exercise. And to lose weight, you have to do more than cut WAY back on drinking.. you have to eliminate drinking. Alcohol and weight loss do not go together. When you reach your weight goal you can experiment incorporating alcohol back into your menu, but if you wanna lose weight, lose the alcohol. just my opinion.
  • swede160
    swede160 Posts: 24 Member
    Sonya, I know you're right about the booze. I've managed to keep it to just a couple on Saturday nights, but I think I'll have to cut it out completely.

    BTW great job on your loss!
  • sempertracy
    sempertracy Posts: 50 Member
    Yes! I'm only 5'2 and muscle definition shows more than poundage lost.
  • JulesAlloggio
    JulesAlloggio Posts: 480 Member
    I don't weigh myself but once a week.. I go by pictures and measurements for the most part. I have actually gained about 10 pounds since working out and eating right.

    I don't want to live my life by a number on a scale. I think its a silly invention. So yes, I would totally toss that thing out!
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    If it discourages you that much, then get rid of it. I go through the same thing. I feel great, clothes fit better, loving life and then I get the bright idea to step on the scale...always a bad call for me. I have lost over 10 inches, but weigh more now than I did when I started.

    It's a personal choice, scale makes me mad, so I stay away. Even when a week passes and I think "maybe, I should just peak because I feel great", stay away. Always ends bad for me. :)
  • christianteach
    christianteach Posts: 595 Member
    No way! I'm way too obsessed with my weight. I weigh every day!! I also take measurements but only about once a month.
  • faely
    faely Posts: 144 Member
    I don't use mine anymore, maybe once a month, if that. I'm much happier knowing that my clothes fit better ( I have to buy new pants again already). Screw the number on the scale. How you feel is much more important than that number. No point in being obsessed with a number. Be obsessed with inches. That's what really matters.

  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    So there was no change on the doctor's scale... is that a different scale than the one you last used? Because if you're comparing yourself to an at-home weight vs. at-the-doctor's weight, well, I know I weigh myself at home first thing in the morning, naked or nearly naked, and at the doctor's I'm weighed after eating at least one meal, and fully clothed. That in itself can make a 5 pound difference.
  • Big_Bad
    Big_Bad Posts: 57
    measure your success by the weeks that go by that you stay on a healthy eating plan and some exercise. And to lose weight, you have to do more than cut WAY back on drinking.. you have to eliminate drinking. Alcohol and weight loss do not go together. When you reach your weight goal you can experiment incorporating alcohol back into your menu, but if you wanna lose weight, lose the alcohol. just my opinion.

    Disagree. Alcohol is just another "food". I mean, it's not really food, but it's calories. Nothing else. I think keeping in booze and learning how to drink in moderation is much better (and enjoyable!) than cutting it out completely while you lose weight. Just like with sweets or any other calorie-dense food.

    However, just an aside, if you're like me you may need to really be conscious WHILE you drink. I have an ED history and tend to just binge like a Mofo and drinking really increases the likelihood of that. I'm still working out the kinks of drinking and dieting but even still I enjoy a yummy beer once in a while with no drawbacks!
  • Nope. I tend to lose weight in places one doesn't necessarily measure - from the toes and fingertips up. My hands and feet get bony and my face gets thinner, then wrists, ankles and neck.... This continues until I am thin everywhere except around the middle; waist and hips are last to go. I can loose 40 pounds and not lose a dress size! If I went by how my clothes fit or my waist measurement, it wouldn't be long before I gave up in despair. I need to see a change on the scale to keep motivated - needless to say, I have a hard time toughing out plateus. Much better to focus on diet and exercise for optimum health and longevity rather than a number on either a scale or a tape measure.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I measure and it's been really heartening. Clothes fit, even better.

    But I like my scale. I weight every morning and know it will bounce around. I don't have to think about it. I go to the bathroom, brush my teeth, and weigh. I know it will bounce within 5 pounds (and I can tell when it's water because my rings are tight). But I get those numbers going lower and lower and that tells me I'm not overeating.

    Everyone is different. If you're thinking about it, just weigh. And let it go.
  • Mamatano
    Mamatano Posts: 24 Member
    I asked the same question 4 weeks ago coz when i go on the scale it shows I have gained 2 kilos but the clothes I used to put on 18 months ago just before I fell pregnant with my twins are fitting. So I asked myself what really do I care about ...a number or how I feel and having a hot body?
    My body speaks for itself coz right now, I'm one hot mama and loving it. To hell with the scale!
  • swede160
    swede160 Posts: 24 Member
    It was at the gym after I did my 45 minutes on the elliptical. I guess it could have been all the water i drank, plus wearing workout clothes.............
  • faely
    faely Posts: 144 Member
    My doctor's office scale is around 9 lbs different than mine. 9 lbs HIGHER. Plus, I don't think anyone weighs themselves without clothes on at the doctor office. :noway: