how often do you weigh and/or measure yourself?



  • shell1205
    shell1205 Posts: 138
    Thanks everyone for your responses... I don't feel so bad knowing that I'm not the only one who is a weighaholic!! Plus, I am also doing some things on Wii fit, and it makes it too easy to weigh yourself, so I tend to do it daily, but try not to get frustrated if it doesn't show a loss every time.

    Good luck to you all!!
  • inguvap
    inguvap Posts: 85 Member
    I record my weight every 2 weeks. I get on the scale every now and then but only keep the printed record (my gym weight machine gives a print out). I keep that as my official record.
  • AKosky585
    AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
    I was weighing every week, but found that I would have mess up days in there and it would mess with me. Now, I weight in every morning because I tend to do better throughout the day if I know I have to weigh in the next day...and knowing that if I mess up and the number is higher forces me to make better choices. for measurements, I have taken them once when I joined and not since. Why? I couldn't really tell ya...haha.
  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    I weigh myself once a week... every Friday. Sometimes if I have a "cheat meal" I like to weigh myself the next morning just for fun... lol. It reminds me of why I shouldn't have too many "cheat meals". I'm trying to have more healthy "cheat meals" - like tonight... wheat pasta w/ creamy pesto... not the best choice but not McDonalds.

    I never measured myself in the past. I found it too depressing. When you weigh yourself, it's just one bad moment... when you measure it's one bad measurement after another. With that said, I am now a big advocate of measuring! After 6 weeks, I lost 17 lbs... which is fabulous but also somewhat expected because of the drastic change in diet. My proud moment was after taking my measurements... I lost 11.25 inches!! I'm doing Jillian's 30 Day Shred... which I hope to complete in about 5 weeks... I'll measure again then! Everyone should measure!
  • donnaleecam
    I weigh every morning. Do not measure, I just see how my clothes feel!!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member